BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210415T000000Z DTEND:20210415T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for this intergenerational conversation on racial injus tice and reconciliation highlighted in George Takei&rsquo\;s graphic memoi r\,&nbsp\;<em>They Called Us Enemy</em>. &nbsp\;The book recounts the memo ries of Takei&rsquo\;s imprisonment in a WWII Japanese American concentrat ion camp.&nbsp\;June Berk\, former WWII incarceree and JANM volunteer\, wi ll be interviewed by&nbsp\;Abbi-Hope Jihye Park&nbsp\;and&nbsp\;Abigail Eu n\, two Los Angeles-area high school students from from the&nbsp\;<a href= "" target="_blank">Koreatown Youth and Community Ce nter's Koreatown Storytelling Program</a>. They will discuss the novel\, t he many histories that it connects\, and its lessons for our futures.\n\n< a href="" targ et="_blank"><em>They Called Us Enemy</em>&nbsp\;by George Takei</a>&nbsp\; is available in the JANM Store and through the&nbsp\;<a href="https://ls2p" target="_blank">LAPL Catalog</a>.&nbsp\;<a href ="" target="_b lank">Signed copies of a Japanese language edition</a>&nbsp\;are now avail able.\n\nThis program is presented as part of the Los Angeles Public Libra ry&rsquo\;s LA Made series in partnership with the Koreatown Youth and Com munity Center and with support from&nbsp\;<a href=" grams/book-to-action-2021/" target="_blank">Book to Action</a>.&nbsp\;<em> Book to Action is a program of the&nbsp\;<a href=" default.aspx" target="_blank">California Library Association</a>\, support ed in whole or in part by the&nbsp\;<a href="" target ="_blank">U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services</a>&nbsp\;under th e provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act\, administered in California by the&nbsp\;<a href="" target="_bla nk">State Librarian</a></em>.\n\nThis event is free and will be livestream ed on Thursday\, April 15 at 4 p.m. (PDT)&nbsp\;<a href="https://www.youtu" target="_blank"><strong>HERE</strong></a>. DTSTAMP:20240602T114103Z SUMMARY:They Called Us Enemy: An Intergenerational Conversation on Racial J ustice URL:/en/events/2021/04/15/they-called-us-enemy-an-intergenerational-convers / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR