BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210710T000000Z DTEND:20210710T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join&nbsp\;<strong>Nobuko Miyamoto</strong>&nbsp\;for a celebra tion of her new album and memoir! She will be joined in conversation and p erformance by&nbsp\;<strong>Quetzal Flores</strong>.\n\n<em>About the book :</em>\n<em>Not Yo&rsquo\; Butterfly: My Long Song of Relocation\, Race\, Love\, and Revolution</em>\, a new memoir\, is the intimate and unflinchin g life story of Miyamoto&mdash\;artist\, activist\, and mother. Beginning with the harrowing early years of her life as a Japanese American child na vigating a fearful west coast during World War II\, Miyamoto leads readers into the landscapes that defined the experiences of twentieth-century Ame rica and also foregrounds the struggles of people of color who reclaimed t heir histories\, identities\, and power through activism and art.\n\n<em>A bout the album</em>:\nHer album\,&nbsp\;<em>120\,000 Stories</em>\, is her first release since 1973&rsquo\;s seminal&nbsp\;<em>A Grain of Sand: Musi c for the Struggle by Asians in America</em>. With a title evoking the app roximate number of those of Japanese ancestry incarcerated in WWII concent ration camps\, the album collects new music\, recorded with GRAMMY-winner Quetzal Flores\, that speaks to issues such as Asian American stereotypes and the Black Lives Matter movement\, as well as music from A Grain of San d\, recordings of her late-1970s group Warriors of the Rainbow\, and perfo rmances from various stage productions throughout the past several decades .\n\n<em><a href="" target= "_blank">Not Yo&rsquo\; Butterfly: My Long Song of Relocation\, Race\, Lov e\, and Revolution</a>&nbsp\;</em>and&nbsp\;<a href=" /products/120000-stories-2-cd-set" target="_blank"><em>120\,000 Stories</e m></a>&nbsp\;(2-CD Set) will both be available in the JANM Store\n\nRSVPs are required.&nbsp\;You will be emailed links and instructions to join our conversation on Zoom. Please confirm that the email that you register wit h is the best way to reach you. Contact if you hav e any additional questions or specific access concerns.\n\n<strong><a href ="\;txobjid=5357 ce0b-1727-4387-896d-64e4c31d768a" target="_blank">RSVP NOW</a></strong> DTSTAMP:20240602T110127Z SUMMARY:Not Yo’ Butterfly with Nobuko Miyamoto (ft. Quetzal Flores) URL:/en/events/2021/07/10/not-yo-butterfly-with-nobuko-miyamoto-ft-quetza/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR