BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210617T000000Z DTEND:20210617T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for our second Virtual Tomodachi Gala! This year's them e is Resilience. Just like the sakura tree that bursts into bloom after ea ch winter\, we celebrate the J&rsquo\;s perseverance in the face of this w orldwide pandemic. During this year&rsquo\;s event\, we honor Tazue and Yu taka Sasaki and find out more about the &lsquo\;J&rsquo\; over the last ye ar - from cataloging museum items\, hosting other virtual events\, and reo pening the beloved Hosekibako to the public!\nTazue and Yutaka Sasaki have led the Seattle Cherry Blossom for over 42 years as well as the Musical B ridge Concerts\, and long term support of the Seattle Japanese Language Sc hool. Join us in honoring the Sasakis for their work to strengthen and cel ebrate the U.S.-Japan relationship.\nHow to Participate: Please go to our youtube channel (<a href=" Nd1fihLmTJN6tx84eFahBEgCxkN-wQ&amp\;h=AT35TR03Rc6-mg5RLXyE917I7mxhtxBXY16e Aw0EGKhzlxL4tb7ilb3XAYhTzpMR0jVhXAhfBtiJ8IbVLcabhSMu2MA2AdH475fGPaDKXnvwa3 DaAw2JLm1u53y37HHl3_iTGL5RSg&amp\;__tn__=q&amp\;c[0]=AT0cMBxwPmYoiZdU-YeYA 2X3xUXazVgnGPqz1D_fEBcwTsFOOXBI6KyHuACJe4ew2nudLJfXWHnbTqHv_OTDLCJ2pNOGOfW gP2WtWzJJMqsMVvpa6pZjtkmB5dfxQ3SepgrMeMsuHjQbHe3payoAkpu7KZCeeZdWe9R7K7f1G 1uIJzhW" target="_blank"></a>)\, and you will see the live program on June 17th at 7PM (PDT)! Free to join! Donate today !\nWEBSITE:&nbsp\;<a href=" V4e41xfO99jzYv9r5tu7rnCoFAY&amp\;h=AT0OoX0LvxnSu9erWMlBpU9_Q5sQ-TjA1gU2abe XA9bsYSKQ27FuTqMvYZ3dDu2yYA1wjAw5NcuD2x9Jx5qA-j4XYn5qhc8ASC-23KHUaP8-m-2oB drS69gDnANj-gXK9gPxOoFFHQ&amp\;__tn__=q&amp\;c[0]=AT0cMBxwPmYoiZdU-YeYA2X3 xUXazVgnGPqz1D_fEBcwTsFOOXBI6KyHuACJe4ew2nudLJfXWHnbTqHv_OTDLCJ2pNOGOfWgP2 WtWzJJMqsMVvpa6pZjtkmB5dfxQ3SepgrMeMsuHjQbHe3payoAkpu7KZCeeZdWe9R7K7f1G1uI JzhW" target="_blank"></a> DTSTAMP:20240602T093451Z SUMMARY:Virtual Tomodachi Gala URL:/en/events/2021/06/17/virtual-tomodachi-gala/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR