BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210716T000000Z DTEND:20210716T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Friday\, July 16th at 7pm-8pm (PDT) via Zoom (sign-in r equired)</strong>\nIn July\, the Northwest Nikkei Museum&rsquo\;s (NNM) Sp eaker Series presents artist\, designer and activist\, <a href="https://ww"><strong>Erin Shigaki</strong></a> and past curator\, Tracey Fugami. During the hour\, viewers will learn about Erin&r squo\;s work and the intersection of identity\, art and activism for her. In this dialogue\, Tracey and Erin will share further thoughts on mural ar t\, privilege\, the guidance of ancestors\, and visibility amongst the Asi an American diaspora in the past and today. Participants will also have a chance to learn from each other in a short breakout session.\n\n● Regist er today!\n<a href=" m00PtdqN5z5RF9dI8kvwUKc2cKcD2zP_QH6cerz2n8dCUqKSHw" target="_blank">https: //</a>\n(Registration will close at 5pm PDT on July 15\, 2021)\n●About the Speaker Series\n<a href="https://www.jcccw.o rg/speaker-series?fbclid=IwAR2zsnb62QxZpxoJr3xjxf0QTSYvgjqfhYjunRB119Uvbur BWQpxcMcvypQ" target="_blank"></a>&nbs p\;\n DTSTAMP:20240602T124403Z SUMMARY:Art and Activism: A Conversation with Erin Shigaki and Tracey Fugam i | Speaker Series URL:/en/events/2021/07/16/art-and-activism-a-conversation-with-erin-shigaki / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR