BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220409T000000Z DTEND:20220409T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Celebrating his 45th Anniversary in taiko\, Kenny Endo stands a t the vanguard of the genre\, and is a leading persona in contemporary per cussion and rhythm in North America and Japan. Combining taiko with funk\, jazz\, Afro-Cuban and Hawaiian music\, Endo’s Contemporary Ensemble wil l feature prominent artists from Japan and the U.S. for this tour\, includ ing Kiyohiko Semba\, percussion master\, and Kaori Takahashi\, electric vi olin\, Kaoru Watanabe\, flutes\, and Abe Lagrimas\, vibes\, drumkit\, and ‘ukulele. Their performances are nuanced\, brilliant\, and exciting!\n\n Visit the <a href="" target="_blank">Kenny Endo website</a> to learn more. \n\nFind the event <a href="https://japanph">here</a>.  DTSTAMP:20240601T023942Z SUMMARY:Kenny Endo's 45 Years of Taiko URL:/en/events/2022/04/09/kenny-endos-45-years-of-taiko/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR