BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240107T000000Z DTEND:20240107T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;">FREE ALL DAY </strong>\ n<strong><span style="color: #c21313\;"><a href="https://9644p.blackbaudho\;txobjid=e0a950a4-22af-43cf-b26e-dd5eca8 939b9">TICKETS</a>\n</strong>\n\nJoin us at the Japanese American National Museum as we welcome the <strong>Year of the Dragon</strong>  with cult ural performances\, crafts\, and activities for families and kids of all a ges! \n\n<ul><li>Traditional <em>mochitsuki</em>  (Japanese rice poundi ng ritual) performance by <strong>Kodama Taiko</strong> </li><li>Candy sc ulpture demonstrations by <strong>Shinobu “Shan the Candyman” Ichiyan agi</strong> </li><li><strong>Interactive storytimes</strong> </li><li>Sou venir photos by <strong>cre8tive outlets</strong> </li><li>Fun <strong>c rafts and origami</strong>  inspired by Oshogatsu and Year of the Dragon  </li><li><strong>Scavenger hunt</strong>  for prizes</li><li>Free admis sion all day to see <em><a href=" e-us">The Bias Inside Us</a> </em> \, <a href=" its/glenn-kaino"><em>Glenn Kaino: Aki’s Market</em> \,</a>  <em><a href ="">The Interactive StoryFile of Lawson Iichiro Sakai</a> </em> \, and <em><a href=" exhibits/commonground">Common Ground: The Heart of Community</a> </em> .</ li></ul>\n\n…and so much more!\n\nFor more details and complete schedule \, visit <a href=" mily-festival-year-dragon"></a> .\n\nCan’t join us in person? We’ll be posting select performances and activities on our  <a href="">YouTube channel</a>  an d <a href="">Instagram</a>  throughou t the day! DTSTAMP:20240610T121844Z SUMMARY:2024 Oshogatsu Family Festival—Year of the Dragon URL:/en/events/2024/01/07/2024-oshogatsu-family-festivalyear-of-the-dragon/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR