BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240209T000000Z DTEND:20240209T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<em>Mirror in the Mirror</em>\, the most recent collaborative b ook between architect <strong>Kengo Kuma</strong> and photographer <st rong>Erieta Attali</strong>\, was born from the authors’ shared desire t o transcend the limits of architecture and imagery and enhance the sensori al experience of the featured spaces. Attali’s photographs capture the i nterconnectedness of the built space with nature central to Kuma’s desig n practice where architecture reaches out into its surrounding environment \, bringing nature back into its interiors. Meticulously crafted by design ers Koma Amok for Hartmann Books\, <em>Mirror in the Mirror</em> is a na rrative depicting atmospheric moments and thresholds of transition\, in an unfolding interplay of light and texture.\nIn this talk event moderated b y Prof. <strong>Seng Kuan</strong>\, Lecturer in Architecture at the Harv ard Graduate School of Design\, <strong>Kuma</strong> and <strong>Attal i</strong>\, accompanied by book contributor Prof. <strong>Barry Bergdoll </strong>\, Meyer Schapiro Professor of Art History at Columbia University \, will discuss the broader significance of this publication within the re alms of architecture and photography. <em>Followed by a book sale and sig ning reception.</em>\n\nPhotography credits: Hartmann Books\n\nFor more in formation and ticket purchases: -into-mirror-in-the-mirror/  DTSTAMP:20241211T124250Z SUMMARY:Rearview into Mirror in the Mirror with Kengo Kuma and Erieta Attal i URL:/en/events/2024/02/09/rearview-into-mirror-in-the-mirror-with-kengo-kum a/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR