BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060724T000000Z DTEND:20060724T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Symposium on <b>"Shifting JA Identities--Views of JAs and Japan ese"</b>\nMonday\, July 24\, 2006\n2-4pm symposium\n4-5pm reception\nSakur a A Room of Miyako Hotel\, 1625 Post St.\, SF.\nPresented by Consulate Gen eral of SF and Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership.\nFree\; pre -registration is requested 415-356-2466.\n\n<!--break-->\nKeynote speaker: Glen S. Fukushima (President & CEO\, Airbus Japan K.K.)\nAlso\, Phillip G otanda (playwright\, filmmaker\, professor)\; Prof. Takeya Mizuno of Toyo University in Japan\, and Michael Omi (Associate Professor & Chair of Ethn ic Studies at UC Berkeley)\n\nThe symposium's objective is to discuss the history of Japanese Americans and envision future form perspectives of "JA identities."\n\nComplexities and diversity of JA identities are the resul t of unique historical dynamics of political and socio-economic change sin ce immigrants from Japan first came to the US. Discussion is intended to help deepen our understanding of "who the Japanese Americans are" through views and experiences of prominent speakers from both sides of the Pacific and thru conversations between the speakers and members of the audience.\ n DTSTAMP:20240609T075915Z SUMMARY:Symposium: "Shifting JA Identities - Views of JAs and Japanese"\, J uly 24 2006\, San Francisco URL:/en/events/2006/07/24/symposium-shifting-ja-identities---views-of-jas-a n/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR