BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20060706T000000Z DTEND:20060706T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>1st & Central Summer Concerts: MC Rai and DJ Nnamdi\nJa panese American National Museum\nJuly 6\, 2006\n\n6:30 PM - DJ Nnamdi\n7:0 0 PM - MC Rai\nFREE</strong>\n\nA dynamic live performer\, Tunisian-born s inger-songwriter MC Rai joins traditional North African rhythms and melodi es with urban beats to create new compositions in which the ancient and mo dern converge. Shattering simplistic stereotypes\, his music will delight longtime fans of North African music and captivates new listeners.\n\nKPFK 90.7 FM's DJ Nnamdi to open. Free. Sponsored\, in part\, by the Departmen t of Cultural Affairs\, City of Los Angeles\, Los Angeles County Arts Comm ission\, and the James Irvine Foundation. Media sponsors: KFPK 90.7 FM and Downtown News.\n\n<a href="">For mor e information...</a> DTSTAMP:20240608T115448Z SUMMARY:Japanese American National Museum 1st & Central Summer Concerts: MC Rai and DJ Nnamdi URL:/en/events/2006/07/06/japanese-american-national-museum-1st--central-su m/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR