Stuff contributed by mtsukayama
Daniel Saucedo Segami, Connecting Research in Peru and Japan — Part 2
Milagros Tsukayama Shinzato
Read Part 1 >>
John Azama: The Peruvian Nikkei Who Revitalized Ryukyu Damashii, the Eisa Group of Dallas-Fort Worth
Milagros Tsukayama Shinzato
“I was a very shy child,” he confesses, preferring to be at the back of the group during sanshin presentations. That’s how John remembers his beginnings as an artist in Peru. The son of Yochan Azama, a well-known Nikkei singer in Peru, he has innate musical talent.
Ayumi Takenaka: “Even though we don’t have an exact definition of Nikkei cuisine, its origins are in Peru”
Milagros Tsukayama Shinzato
“What is Nikkei cuisine?” seems like a simple question, but beneath it is a complex definition that is even hard for Nikkei themselve to describe.
Tsukayama, seasoning runs in the family
Milagros Tsukayama Shinzato, Asociación Peruano Japonesa
Choko Tsukayama is 78 years old and has extensive experience in Nikkei cuisine, the kind that was born in inns and family businesses and that he learned by watching. YouTubers have made their stuffed potato viral and several restaurants in Lima serve their soba and ramen noodles. And if we …
Jorge Otsu, a self-taught master of Registration Law
Milagros Tsukayama Shinzato
Mr. Jorge Otsu Maradiegue is the father of Dr. George Otsu, who has recently been appointed Director of the Criminological Policy Directorate of the General Directorate of Criminological Affairs of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. As behind every great son, there is a great father, Don Jorge's story …
Pepe Irei and rock with Peruvian-Japanese DNA
Milagros Tsukayama Shinzato
“I think I inherited my grandfather's rebellious streak. His family made fun of him, because he wanted to be a broadcaster. He told me that he escaped from the farm on a bicycle, to go to Lima and see transistors, electronics courses, etc., even though they told him 'why are …
Tetsuya Hirahara: The Japanese Hour in Peru told by a Japanese researcher
Milagros Tsukayama Shinzato
Tetsuya Hirahara is a diexistist and a hobbyist researcher. Since he first picked up a Cuzco station 44 years ago from Japan, Hirahara delved deeper into Latin American radio stations and in the midst of the Internet era, he discovered that Japanese radio programs existed in Latin America. Thus, he …
When our reality surpasses fiction: the “two” Caqui haciendas
Milagros Tsukayama Shinzato
With the agrarian reform (1969-1979), 9,065,772 haciendas and 15,826 farms in Peru were expropriated and thousands of peasants became owners of the land they worked. This marked the decline of the large estates and large estates, which survive as best they can today in the face of the passage of …
Kizuna 2020: Nikkei Kindness and Solidarity During the COVID-19 Pandemic
A quarantine blog
Milagros Tsukayama Shinzato
Until May 10, Peru will remain in quarantine. I was anxiously waiting for it to end on April 26 as scheduled, but the virus is still on the streets. As soon as this confinement ends, the first thing I'm going to do is go to the shopping center, eat in …