BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20070603T000000Z DTEND:20070630T000000Z DESCRIPTION:[inline:attc1d9a.jpg]\n<strong>"From 12/7 to 9/11: Lessons on t he Japanese American Internment" on View Through June 30 at UCLA's Researc h Library</strong>\n\n\nOn Feb. 19\, 1942\, President Franklin D. Roosevel t signed Executive Order 9066\, which authorized his secretary of war to e stablish military areas in which certain people were not allowed. Issued i n the wake of Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7\, 1941\, the order mentioned no ethnic groups\, but its execution focused exclusively on indi viduals of Japanese ancestry.\n\n"From 12/7 to 9/11: Lessons on the Japane se American Internment\," on view at UCLA's Charles E. Young Research Libr ary through June 30 and organized in conjunction with the 65th anniversary of Executive Order 9066\, traces the effects of the order’s implementat ion and suggests troubling present-day parallels. The exhibit uses photogr aphs\, artwork and archival materials to tell personal stories that raise serious questions about loyalty\, racism and goverment expediency and that plead for tolerance and understanding of other cultures\, religions and p oints of view.\n\nWithin a year of the executive order\, more than 110\,00 0 people of Japanese ancestry\, including 175 UCLA students\, had been upr ooted from their homes and communities and imprisoned in camps ranging fro m California to Arkansas. The vast majority of these so-called "internees" were American citizens or legal residents on the West Coast whose only “crime” was being of Japanese descent.\n\nThe U.S. government has sinc e acknowledged that racism rather than military necessity motivated these actions. In 1976\, President Gerald Ford signed an order repealing Executi ve Order 9066\, stating that the removal was wrong. In 1988\, President Ro nald Reagan signed a civil liberties act that authorized payments of $20\, 000 to each surviving person who had been incarcerated. The first of these checks was issued in 1990\, accompanied by an apology signed by President George H.W. Bush.\n\nThe lessons of Dec. 7\, 1941\, and Executive Order 9 066 continue to resonate today. Some have drawn analogies between the bomb ing of Pearl Harbor and the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11\, 2001\, and tho se analogies extend to the government’s subsequent treatment of people b ased solely on their ethnicity. Hoping to preserve civil liberties and kee p the government from repeating its mistakes\, many Asian American leaders \, organizations and individuals have\, since Sept. 11\, spoken out for to lerance and understanding and against discrimation and wrongful detention of Muslims\, South Asians and Arab Americans.\n\nAmong the exhibit’s con tents are proof prints by Ansel Adams of photographs he took at the Manzan ar internment camp\; oil and watercolor paintings by George Matsusaburo Hi bi and Kango Takamura that both document camp life and evoke its bleakness \; and intimate drawings by Estelle Ishigo\, a Euro-American woman who vol untarily accompanied her husband to the camps\, which focus on the lives o f families and children. Photographs and publications provide an overview of the military service of Japanese Americans\, which included the most de corated unit of its size in the U.S. Army. The experiences of UCLA student s are reflected through campus memos\, personal correspondence and UCLA ye arbooks from the 1940s.\n\nSelected pages from a 1983 ruling by U.S. Distr ict Court Judge Marilyn Hall Patel that overturned the 1942 conviction of Japapnese American Fred Korematsu for disobeying the executive order\, as well as materials documenting research conducted by lawyer Jack Herzig an d his wife\, Aiko Yoshinaga-Herzig\, on behalf of Korematsu and his defens e team\, explore the actions that led to the government’s acknowledgment that its actions under Executive Order 9066 were wrong. \n\nPhotographs\ , artwork and personal stories of post-Sept. 11 detainees suggest that rac ial and ethnic profiling by the government in times of perceived danger is not a thing of the past. And books and articles by scholars who have stud ied or taught at UCLA expand on many of the subjects raised throughout the exhibit.\n\nThe exhibit draws from the holdings of the Research Library a nd its Department of Special Collections\, the Asian American Studies Cent er Reading Room/Library\, the University\nArchives\, and various private c ollections. It is organized by Lane Hirabayashi\, Marjorie Lee\, Robert Na kamura\, Don Nakanishi and Irum Shiekh of the UCLA Department of Asian Ame rican Studies and the Asian American Studies Center\, and by Norma Corral\ , Dawn Setzer and Ellen Watanabe of the UCLA Library.\n\n\n \nAdmission to the library and exhibit is free. Library hours are:\n\n\n<ul><strong>Thro ugh June 3:</strong> Monday–Thursday\, 7:30 a.m.–11 p.m.\; Friday\, 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m.\; Saturday\, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.\; Sunday\, 1–10 p.m. (M ay 28\, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.).\n\n<strong>June 4–10:</strong> Mon day–Friday\, 7:30 a.m.–midnight\; Saturday\, 9 a.m.–midnight\; Sunda y\, 10 a.m.–midnight.\n\n<strong>June 11–15:</strong> Monday –Thursday\, 7:30 a.m.–midnight\; Friday\, 7:30 a.m.–5 p.m.\n\n<stron g>June18–22:</strong> Monday–Friday\, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.\n\n<s trong>June 25–30:</strong> Monday–Thursday\, 9 a.m.–7 p.m. \; Friday–Saturday\, 9 a.m.–5 p.m.\n</ul>\n\n \nFor more information\, visit <a href="">www2.library.u</a> or call (310) 825-6925.\n\n\n \n-UCLA-\n DTSTAMP:20240612T060958Z SUMMARY:"From 12/7 to 9/11: Lessons on the Japanese American Internment" at UCLA's Research Library URL:/en/events/2007/06/03/from-12-7-to-9-11/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR