BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080330T000000Z DTEND:20080330T000000Z DESCRIPTION:There will be a performance of <em>Nihonmachi: The Place to Be< /em> this spring in Little Tokyo as a fundraiser for the Little Tokyo Koba n. The info is listed below. \n\nI saw a performance of this play last spr ing at the same theatre. It was such a wonderful performance with so many nostalgic songs that I grew up listening to because Misora Hibari is one o f my parents' favorite singers. There's an article about the play on this site that the playwright contributed: <a href="/forum/en/node/1564">Nihonm achi: The Place to Be</a>.\n\n\n<strong>Little Tokyo Koban Fundraiser\n"Ni honmachi: The Place to Be"</strong>\n<strong>Story:</strong> A third-gener ation manju maker decides to close his 99 year-old store\, opened by his g randfather. After coming to that decision\, the spirit of his deceased gra ndfather comes to show him the Nihonmachi of old. Songs of old Japan\, as well as of the various periods (war time\, '60s\, '70s) here in the States as well as in Japan\, will be performed. A story not soon to be forgotten !\n\n<strong>Date & Time: Sunday\, March 30\, 2008 at 2pm</strong>\n\nPlac e: Aratani / Japan America Theatre\n244 S. San Pedro St\, Los Angeles\, CA 90012\n\nSeating and Ticket Prices:\nGeneral admission -- Open Seating: f irst come\, first served\n$35 for Orchestra\n$40 for Balcony\n\n<strong>Po st Performance Manju Reception:</strong> The President of the Koban\, Mr. Brian Kito\, is also the owner of Fugetsu-do\, a 104-year old manju shop. He will host the post performance reception at the Japanese American Cultu ral and Community Center.\n\nTo order tickets by credit card\, call the th eatre directly at 213.680.3700. Box Office hours are Monday through Sunday \, 12pm to 5pm. DTSTAMP:20240601T095815Z SUMMARY:Nihonmachi: The Place to Be - Fundraiser for Little Tokyo Koban on March 30\, 2008 URL:/en/events/2008/03/30/nihonmachi-the-place-to-be---fundraiser-for-littl e/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR