BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20071117T000000Z DTEND:20071117T000000Z DESCRIPTION:You are cordially invited to take part in the dedication of the Japanese American Service Committee's Community Mural on Saturday\, Novem ber 17. Festivities will begin at 3:30 pm at the JASC\, 4427 N. Clark Str eet\, Chicago.\n\nThe JASC Community Mural Project began with workshops in January 2007 as part of our 60th Anniversary Celebration. Accordingly\, the project honors the legacy of the Japanese Americans who resettled in C hicago during and after World War II.\n\nPlease join us as we recognize pr oject leaders\, participants\, and sponsors. The JASC's 60th Anniversary exhibit\, "Origins of Now: ReBuilding Community\," will be on display.\n\n For further information\, call 773.275.0097\, or see DTSTAMP:20240611T040058Z SUMMARY:JASC Community Mural Dedication URL:/en/events/2007/11/17/jasc-community-mural-dedication/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR