BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20080518T000000Z DTEND:20080518T000000Z DESCRIPTION:UW to give honorary degrees to Japanese-American former student s\n"The Daily of the University of Washington"\nFeb. 28\, 2008\n\nIn 1942\ , all students of Japanese ancestry were removed from the UW and taken to internment camps\, thus interrupting their education. At a ceremony to be held May 18\, 440 of these students will receive honorary bachelor’s deg rees in recognition of the degrees they would have earned had they been al lowed to remain on campus.\n\nProfessor Gail Nomura\, associate professor in the American Ethnic Studies department\, was one of many at the UW who worked for several years to get the degrees approved. Nomura first got inv olved because she was interested in learning about the University’s past .\n\n<a href=" grees-japanese-former-students/">Read the article</a>\n\nWhen: Sunday\, Ma y 18\, 2008\nWhere: Kane Hall 120\, UW Seattle\nCost: Free\, but advance r egistration is requested.\n<a href=" ities/2008nikkei_students.html">Click for more info</a> DTSTAMP:20240602T210232Z SUMMARY:Japanese American UW students who were sent to internment camps to be honored on May 18 URL:/en/events/2008/05/18/japanese-american-uw-students-honorary-degrees/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR