BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090718T000000Z DTEND:20090718T000000Z DESCRIPTION:For those interested in Japanese American history\, culture and communities\, you are invited to come on a special tour of the farmland v illage of Seabrook\, and participate in their lively Obon festivities this Saturday\, July 18.&nbsp\; \n\n Background: Starting in 1944\, Seabrook F arms\, a frozen vegetable produce plant in rural southern New Jersey provi ded work and housing for Japanese Americans released from the US concentra tion camps of World War II.&nbsp\; A Japanese American community of 2\,500 joined a multicultural labor force so unique it was featured in LIFE Maga zine.&nbsp\; I have a connection to Seabrook as it is where my father's fa mily resided after the war\, and where my grandfather served as a Buddhist minister.&nbsp\; \n\n On this all-day excursion\, we will visit the Seabr ook Buddhist Temple and Meditation Garden\, the Seabrook Educational and C ultural Center Museum with extraordinary memorabilia from "The Global Vill age\," the Seabrook Brothers &amp\; Sons produce plant (tour led by CEO Ja mes Seabrook\, Jr.)\, and the primitive lodgings that housed Japanese Amer ican families.&nbsp\; The visit will culminate in the Seabrook Obon celebr ation - folk dancing\, taiko drums\, Japanese craft activities and food.&n bsp\; The Seabrook Obon attracts throngs of visitors from many states.\n\n This is a fascinating and fun opportunity to experience a unique Japanese American community\, and grasp a complex history that is relevant today.\ n\n For more details about the Seabrook trip\, contact&nbsp\; Donna Tsufur a at <a target="_blank"></a>\,&nbsp\; 646-765-5906. DTSTAMP:20240612T084634Z SUMMARY:Seabrook Obon Festival and Tour URL:/en/events/2009/07/18/seabrook-obon-festival-and-tour/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR