BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20090731T000000Z DTEND:20090731T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Critically acclaimed Anna Saeki\, born in Hokkaido\, Japan asce nded to become one of the world&rsquo\;s most popular and recognized Tango singers. Shortly after being crowned Miss Sapporo\, Saeki traveled to Arg entina to begin recording her first album which debuted in 1989. Since the n\, she has released over ten albums and has received numerous critical ac clamations and praise in television\, radio\, and magazine. Saeki\, one of the key influences responsible for the Latin Boom in Japan\, was also the vocalist for the band Orquesta del Sol. Saeki has traveled across Europe\ , the U.S.\, Latin America\, and Asia\, in an effort to expand Tango music across the world. La Plata Hochi newspaper remarked\, &ldquo\;It is not o nly her beautiful and powerful voice\, but her theatrical skill is also am azing\; she is truly the &lsquo\;Tango Diva&rsquo\; of the world.&rdquo\; With the support and admiration of other prominent Tango artists such as H oracio Ferrer\, Leopoldo Federico\, and Raul Garello\, Anna Saeki is now r ecognized as a top artist in the Tango world.\n\nAdvance price: $20 \nDay of performance: $25\nMulti-show: $18\n Tickets purchased: Box Office at 71 8.760.0064 or online <a href="">www.queensthe</a>\nWEB: <a href="">www.onishigalle </a> DTSTAMP:20240611T150731Z SUMMARY:13th Annual CHASE 2009 Latino Cultural Festival ft. Anna Saeki URL:/en/events/2009/07/31/13th-annual-chase-2009-latino-cultural-festival-f t/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR