BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100124T000000Z DTEND:20100124T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Exile &amp\; Return: Portland's Japanese American Community Fol lowing Executive Order 9066\n <strong>Swing band performance and panel dis cussion</strong> \n Sunday\, January 24\, 2010\, 12:30 - 2:30 p.m.\n Multn omah County Central Library\, U.S. Bank Room\n 801 SW 10th Avenue\, Portla nd\n <strong>Free</strong> \n \n In conjunction with <a href="http://www.p">Portland Center Stage</a> 's production of Snow Falling on C edars \, <a href="">Oregon Nikkei Endowment</a > is jointly hosting this event at Portland's Central Library to explore J apanese American culture and history during the internment and post-war pe riods\, featuring live music and community conversation. Following a perfo rmance by the <strong>Minidoka Swing Band</strong> \, there will be a pane l discussion with Ellen Eisenberg (author of the book <em>The First to Cry Down Injustice: Western Jews and Japanese Removal During WW II</em> )\, G ary Higashi\, Linda Tamura and Henry Sakamoto. The panel will focus on the early 1950s &ndash\; the post-internment period for people of Japanese an cestry\, and the re-establishment of lives along the West Coast. DTSTAMP:20240608T085245Z SUMMARY:Swing band performance and panel discussion URL:/en/events/2010/01/24/swing-band-performance-and-panel-discussion/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR