BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100327T000000Z DTEND:20100327T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The Foundation for Asian American Independent Media (FAAIM) and the Chicago chapter of the National Association of Asian American Profess ionals (NAAAP) invite you to a preview and discussion of the upcoming line up of great 2010 Asian American films.\n\nJoin us two weeks prior to openi ng night for a peek at the showcase films and a mind-stimulating chat. Mee t the people behind the work as local Asian American artists not only disc uss their work\, but reveal the challenges and issues facing Asian America n filmmakers in today's highly-competitive entertainment business.&nbsp\;\ n\nWe're sure you'll leave with a better appreciation and understanding of the films which\, in April\, you can watch in their entirety at the Gene Siskel Film Center at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago from Apri l 2nd through 15th.\n\nLocation Pending\n\nSaturday March 27th 2-5 PM\n--- -------------------------------------------------\nPlease RSVP here:&nbsp\ ;<a href="" target="_blank"></a>\n ----------------------------------------------------\n- Register before Ma rch 19\, 2010 to take advantage of discounted registration fees:\nMembers: $10 | Non-Members: $15 | FAAIM Member $10&nbsp\;\n\n- Registration after Friday\, March 19th: Members: $15 | Non-Members: $20 | FAAIM Member $15\n\ nAll FAAIM Members enjoys the same discounted fees as NAAAP Member!\n\nIf you would like to volunteer for this event\, please contact our Director o f Cultural Awareness\, Yoojin Kim: DTSTAMP:20240601T045922Z SUMMARY:The 2010 Asian American Film Preview - NAAAP Chicago and FAAIM URL:/en/events/2010/03/27/the-2010-asian-american-film-preview-naaap-chica/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR