BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100412T000000Z DTEND:20100412T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The UIC Centers for Diversity presents\n\nWHAT ARE YOU? THE CHA NGING FACE OF AMERICA\n\nRenowned artist Kip Fulbeck explores issues of mi xed race identity in this\nmultimedia presentation on icons of race and se x in the United States\, a\ncountry that ignores multiraciality. Using his own multiracial background as\na springboard for his multimedia presentat ion\, Fulbeck confronts icons of\nrace and sex in the U.S.\, inspiring aud iences to explore how our own ethnic\nstereotypes and opinions on cultural identity are formed\, leading one to\nhonestly consider\, Who Am I?\n\nDa te: April 12\, Monday\nLocation: Illinois Room\, SCE\nTime: 4-6pm\n\nRecep tion and Book Signing to follow\n\nFree and open to the public\n\nFor more information\, contact Karen Su 312.413.7696 or&nbsp\;<a target="_blank">k</a>.\nIf you have a disability and need an accommodation to attend the event\,\nplease call 312-413-9569.\n\nCo-sponsors: Asian Ameri can Studies\, Honors College\, Chicago Japanese\nAmerican Historical Socie ty\, Office of Diversity\, Office of the Vice Provost\nfor Undergraduate A ffairs\n\nThe UIC Centers for Diversity are: African-American Cultural Cen ter\, Asian\nAmerican Resource and Cultural Center\, Gender and Sexuality Center\, Latino\nCultural Center\, and Women&rsquo\;s Leadership and Resou rce Center\n\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nThis UI C event is in conjunction with\nan exhibition at The Field Museum:\n\nkip fulbeck: part asian\, 100% hapa | April 2 - September 6\, 2010 DTSTAMP:20240602T005000Z SUMMARY:Kip Fulbeck at the University of ILL. Chicago URL:/en/events/2010/04/12/kip-fulbeck-at-the-university-of-ill-chicago/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR