BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20100728T000000Z DTEND:20100728T000000Z DESCRIPTION:&nbsp\;<span style="widows: 2\; text-transform: none\; text-ind ent: 0px\; border-collapse: separate\; font: medium 'Times New Roman'\; wh ite-space: normal\; orphans: 2\; letter-spacing: normal\; color: #000000\; word-spacing: 0px\; -webkit-border-horizontal-spacing: 0px\; -webkit-bord er-vertical-spacing: 0px\; -webkit-text-decorations-in-effect: none\; -web kit-text-size-adjust: auto\; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px\;"><span style ="text-align: left\; line-height: 22px\; font-family: Verdana\, Arial\, He lvetica\, sans-serif\; font-size: 12px\;"><span style="margin: 0px\; color : #000000\; padding: 0px\;"><span style="margin: 0px\; font-size: small\; padding: 0px\;">What was daily life like for most Japanese-Americans durin g WWII and how did they respond to their involuntary confinement in the Un ited States?<span style="margin: 0px\; color: #000000\; font-size: small\; padding: 0px\;">&nbsp\;\n<p style="padding-bottom: 10px\; line-height: 18 pt\; margin: 0in 0in 0pt\; padding-left: 0px\; padding-right: 0px\; paddin g-top: 10px\;"><span style="margin: 0px\; color: #000000\; font-size: smal l\; padding: 0px\;">This is the focus of&nbsp\; &ldquo\;Remembering: Japan ese-American Internment during WWII&rdquo\;\, a presentation by the &ldquo \;Oregon Nikkei (Japanese-American Museum) on Wednesday\, July 28\, 2010 f rom 6:30-8:00 PM&nbsp\;at the Wilsonville Library.&nbsp\; This free progra m is hosted and sponsored by the Wilsonville Library.<span style="margin: 0px\; color: #000000\; font-size: small\; padding: 0px\;">&nbsp\;\n\n<p st yle="padding-bottom: 10px\; line-height: 18pt\; margin: 0in 0in 0pt\; padd ing-left: 0px\; padding-right: 0px\; padding-top: 10px\;"><span style="mar gin: 0px\; color: #000000\; font-size: small\; padding: 0px\;">&ldquo\;Man y who attended the first Japanese-American program here at the Library\, r equested more stories about life in the camps and less theory\,&rdquo\; sa id John Smith\, librarian. &ldquo\;The speaker\, Henry Sakamoto\, will tel l us more life stories and field discussion questions.&rdquo\;<span style= "margin: 0px\; color: #000000\; font-size: small\; padding: 0px\;">&nbsp\; \n\n<p style="padding-bottom: 10px\; line-height: 18pt\; margin: 0in 0in 0 pt\; padding-left: 0px\; padding-right: 0px\; padding-top: 10px\;"><span s tyle="margin: 0px\; color: #000000\; font-size: small\; padding: 0px\;">Fo r more information about this free community event\, please contact John S mith at 503-682-2744 or&nbsp\;<strong><a href="mailto:smith@ci.wilsonville"></a></strong>\n\nSOURCE:&nbsp\; <a href= " can.html"><span style="color: #0066cc\;"> ville/2010/07/remembering_japanese-american.html</a>\n DTSTAMP:20240609T051521Z SUMMARY:Remembering: Japanese-American Internment during WWII URL:/en/events/2010/07/28/remembering-japanese-american-internment-during-w / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR