BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20101016T000000Z DTEND:20101018T000000Z DESCRIPTION:\nTaiko Weekend Intensive\n\n<!-- page title End --> <!-- con tent start -->\nTaiko Weekend Intensive:&nbsp\;Naname Boot Camp\nExplore t he fundamentals of SJT naname (slant stand) style during this three-day wo rkshop.\n\nLearn:\n - challenging drills to improve your technique and st amina\n - exercises to sharpen your soloing skills\n - ways to use movem ent effectively and ergonomically\n\nTaiko Weekend Intensive (TWI) is a th ree-day workshop led by members of the SJT Artistic Staff designed to enha nce a taiko player's abilities as a performer and member of the taiko comm unity.&nbsp\; Meet fellow taiko enthusiasts from across the country and ar ound the world.\n\n<strong>When: October 16-18\n Saturday morning to Mond ay afternoon.</strong>\n<strong>Where:</strong> \n San Jose Taiko Studio\n \n<strong>Bring:</strong> \n Bachi\, a water bottle\, notebook\, an open m ind\, and an enthusiastic heart. Drums will be provided.\n\n<strong>Cost: </strong> \n $300: Includes 3 lunch and 1 dinner meals.\n\n<strong>Require ments:</strong> \n Applicants must have at least two years of taiko-playi ng experience. Preference will be given to applicants who are currently p erforming members of existing taiko groups.\n\n<strong>Registration Deadli ne:</strong> \n September 20th\, 2010\n\n<strong>Apply Online! \n </stron g> * Fill out our <strong><a href=" _application.html">online application</a> </strong> to be considered for this weekend.\n\n* You must be present at all activities in order to part icipate in the weekend. Please do not apply if you think you will miss an y portion of this weekend\, including arriving late or leaving early for any activity.\n\n&nbsp\; \n<strong>Here's what past participants have s aid about TWI (Taiko Weekend Intensive):</strong>\n&quot\;I believe you have found an effective formula for sharing not only the SJT philosophy and drumming style with othe rs in the taiko family\, but sharing the true spiri t of the drums by your\n example and your love for the art form&quot\;. - Bill W.\n\n&quot\;Serious taiko in joyful company.&quot\; - Tiffany R.\n\n&quot\;The workshop was the best three days of Taiko I have ever experienced.&quot\; - Scott M.\n\nPlease contact <a href="">taik</a> with any further questions. DTSTAMP:20240610T060407Z SUMMARY:San Jose Taiko - Taiko Weekend Intensive URL:/en/events/2010/10/16/san-jose-taiko-taiko-weekend-intensive/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR