BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110416T000000Z DTEND:20110416T000000Z DESCRIPTION:\n\nHow should we treat our elderly? Leaders from the Balzekas Museum of Lithuanian Culture and the Chicago Japanese American Historical Society spearhead this event as they explore the emotional and physical ne eds of the elderly.\n\nNote: only a maximum of 30 individuals can register for this event\, so be sure to reserve your spot today!\n\nThis series is funded by a generous grant from the Boeing Company.\n\nEvent Cost: $5.00\ n\n<strong>More Information</strong>\nPhone: (773) 283-1958\nEmail: info@c\nWebsite:&nbsp\;<a href="http://www.chicagocult" target="_blank"></ a>\n<em><strong>Talking About...</strong></em><strong>&nbsp\;Series\n</str ong><em>Talking About...</em>&nbsp\;brings together Core Member communitie s to discuss significant contemporary issues\, such as immigration\, ethni c identity\, climate change\, and health care\, from the perspectives and experiences of the community members. The program includes training for Co re Members about how to organize\, deliver\, and facilitate community disc ussions. The series currently consists of two types of programs:&nbsp\;<st rong>dialogue sessions and public panel discussions</strong>. In the&nbsp\ ;<strong>dialogue sessions</strong>\, small groups of six to ten people en gage in moderated discussion about issues of contemporary significance\; C ore Members use their ethnographic collections and artwork as a starting p oint for discussion. In the&nbsp\;<strong>public panel discussions\,&nbsp\ ;</strong>a moderator leads discussion and audience Q&amp\;A about a speci fic topic with a panel of Core Member representatives. The first of these programs\, on the topic of immigration\, was held in October 2009 at the C hicago Cultural Center. Through our panel discussions\, the Alliance deliv ers a diversity of perspectives\, including voices from different cultures \, continents\, and immigration experiences.\n\n&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240601T084745Z SUMMARY:Talking About: Aging in Our Communities URL:/en/events/2011/04/16/talking-about-aging-in-our-communities/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR