BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20110420T000000Z DTEND:20110420T000000Z DESCRIPTION:On Wednesday\, April 20\, 2011\, at 7:00 pm\, JASC will begin h osting its first of a series of educational forums for seniors targeting t he baby boomers. These forums will be on topics that effect the boomers su ch as Social Security\, Medicare\, retirement\, wills\, estates\, long-ter m care insurance\, Power of Attorney\, retirement housing\, and many other things.\n \nApril 20th's event will feature the ins and outs of Medicare and Social Security from signing up to filing claims. The speaker for this event will be Kris Sadur\, expert in senior issues and entitlements. Ms. Sadur is the Outreach Coordinator/Constituent Advocate for Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky and formerly the Outreach Specialist at AgeOptions\, former ly Suburban Area Agency on Aging for many years.\n \nThe forum will take p lace at JASC\,4427 N. Clark Street\, Chicago\, and is FREE to the public. For questions\, please contact Sharon at 773.275.0097 x229. DTSTAMP:20240601T090104Z SUMMARY:JASC Begins Senior Educational Series Forum 1: Navigating Social Se curity & Medicare URL:/en/events/2011/04/20/jasc-begins-senior-educational-series-forum-1-nav / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR