BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20111028T000000Z DTEND:20111130T000000Z DESCRIPTION:To provide American students of Japanese descent with the chanc e to learn about Japanese culture\, as well as to promote mutual understan ding between Japan and the Japanese diaspora\, the Ministry of Foreign Aff airs invites Japanese American high school students to apply for the oppor tunity to visit Japan on a two-week program\, including a homestay and a v isit to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Important: the deadline for appli cations is November 30!\n\nFor more information\, including the applicatio n forms\, please visit this website:\n<a href=" 0328/590242299/54624642/0/?c4e129f6=Y2hpY2dqIDEwLzI4LzIwMTEgMTM6MDM6NTE%3d &amp\;x=739b5471" target="_blank"> out/news/jpn_american_delgation_2012_app.html</a> DTSTAMP:20240612T172131Z SUMMARY: Invitation Program For Japanese American Students to Visit Japan. Apply Today! URL:/en/events/2011/10/28/invitation-program-for-japanese-american-students / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR