BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120324T000000Z DTEND:20120324T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>The Chicago Botanic Garden invites you to join us for a unique afternoon presentation -&nbsp\;</strong>\n<strong>Dealt disaster i n March\, 2011\, the people of Japan reacted with extraordinary dignity an d resilience. One year later\, we mark those events with a special program about resilience &ndash\; and how the traditions\, teachings\, and cultur al arts of Japan strengthen the human spirit. Dance\, taiko drumming\, and garden-inspired lectures are presented by five Japanese and Japanese Amer icans.\n</strong>\n<strong>Presenters &ndash\; \nFujima Shunojo\, Founder and Master Teacher of Fujima Ryu of Chicago\n &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; Opening traditional dedicational dance. \n</strong>\n<strong>Tatsu Aoki\, Artistic Director and Executive Producer of Tsukasa Taiko\n &nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\;Insights into Resilience and Dignity through traditional mus ic.\n</strong>\n<strong>Calvin Manshio\, Attorney and principal of Manshio Law Firm\, P.C.\n &nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;The Japanese American exper ience of Resilience and Dignity\, through community.\n</strong>\n<strong>D ennis Makishima\, Master Bonsai and Tree Pruner\, California\n &nbsp\;&nbs p\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;Resilience and Dignity through nature\n</strong>\n<strong >Donna Kobayashi\, Wellness Consultant and Chicago Botanic Garden Voluntee r\n&nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&nbsp\;Observing and the experience of Resilience and Dignity in the Japanese Garden.</strong>\n<strong>Special acknowledge ment to Dr. Ikka Nakashima for her 25 years of Japanese cultural contribut ion in Ikebana and Chanayo by the Chicago Botanic Garden.\n</strong>\n<str ong>Please register for this free program at <a href="http://www.chicagobo"></a>\nUsual parking fees apply - $20 per car for nonmembers\n</strong>\n<strong>The Chicago Botanic Garden is one o f the treasures of the Forest Preserve District of Cook County.\n</strong> DTSTAMP:20240607T225703Z SUMMARY:Resilience: Lessons from Japan by Donna Kobayashi URL:/en/events/2012/03/24/resilience-lessons-from-japan-by-donna-kobayashi/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR