BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120329T000000Z DTEND:20120331T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<a>Halau i Ka Pono</a>&nbsp\;is in its fourth year of Hawaiian Dance Classes at&nbsp\;38 Lake Street(NEW&nbsp\;location) in&nbsp\;Oak Par k\,&nbsp\;IL. The Hula School of Chicago is proud to present master hula t eacher\,&nbsp\;<a>Kumu Hula Michael Pili Pang</a>\, MFA\, from&nbsp\;Honol ulu\,&nbsp\;Hawaii&nbsp\;who will teach and perform March 29 - April 1st. &nbsp\;A protege of&nbsp\;Maiki&nbsp\;Aiu&nbsp\;Lake&nbsp\;and Mae Kamamal u Klein\, Kumu Hula Michael Pili Pang has been teaching hula since 1986. H e has two hula schools in&nbsp\;Hawaii&nbsp\;and has also served for the p ast six years as the Mayor's Executive Director to the City and&nbsp\;Coun ty&nbsp\;of&nbsp\;Honolulu's Office for Culture and the Arts. Pang is also June Kaililani Tanoue's hula master.\n<strong><a>Michael Pili Pang&nbsp\; Hula Workshops</a></strong>\n<strong>'Uli'Uli (Feathered Gourd) Making Wor kshop</strong>\nThursday March\, 29th\n7 - 9:30 pm&nbsp\;OR\nFriday\, Marc h 30th\n1 -3:30 pm\nFeathered gourds are instruments used in hula. It cons ists of a feathered top and gourd filled with seeds that rattle.\nCost inc luding all supplies is $75&nbsp\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\;\n<strong>Lecture/demonstra tion\, Q&amp\;A Discussion</strong>\n<strong>"History and Contextual Struc ture of Hula"</strong>\nFriday\, March 30th\n7 - 8:30 pm&nbsp\;\nThe only master hula teacher with an MFA from the&nbsp\;University&nbsp\;of&nbsp\;H awaii\, Michael Pili Pang is adept at talking about the Hawaiian dance of hula from a western vantage point. And there are unique aspects to the&nbs p\;Hawaiian&nbsp\;Hula.\nCost $15&nbsp\;\n<strong>Modern Hula Workshop</st rong>\nSaturday\, March 31st\n9:30 am&nbsp\;- 12&nbsp\;noon\nCost $75\nLun ch included\n<strong>Classical Hula Workshop</strong>\nSaturday\, March 31 st\n1 - 3 pm\nCost $55\nLunch included\n<strong>Hula Performance</strong>\ n<strong>"The Art of Hula"</strong>\nSaturday\, March 31st\n7:30 pm\nThis performance showcases creating in the present by understanding the past.\n Cost $15&nbsp\; &nbsp\;\n<strong>Completion Workshop</strong>\nSunday\, Ap ril 1st\n9:30 am&nbsp\;- 12&nbsp\;noon\nComplete the feathered gourds\, re view hulas\, Q&amp\;A\, Discussion.\nCost $35\nLunch included\nHula is the beautiful cultural expression of the Hawaiian people that honors life in dance. It tells a story through dance and is helpful for developing core s trength and flexibility through its gentle yet powerful movements. It's al so a way to gain&nbsp\;new self-perspective through a joyful coordination of mind and body.\nInstructor: June Kaililani Tanoue\, Kumu Hula (Master T eacher of the Hula).\nCall&nbsp\;<a>708-297-6321</a>&nbsp\;for more inform ation.\nClick&nbsp\;<a href=" p\;s=736&amp\;e=001jVEV_-tI8JQZcyByOhL2V9pYMrruexsTd3lTOCSW-hVUlY1nc5-CrS7 TDg9jy3_gBu8EJF83eluITQkIlAJyC0J4eAGW-p_Ps0QHj7WE36_42is4jly6Rw==" target= "_blank">here</a>&nbsp\;to visit their website! DTSTAMP:20240609T070521Z SUMMARY:Michael Pili Pang Hula Workshops URL:/en/events/2012/03/29/michael-pili-pang-hula-workshops/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR