BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120810T000000Z DTEND:20120812T000000Z DESCRIPTION:On&nbsp\;<strong>August 10\, 11 and 12</strong>\, the Midwest B uddhist Temple will once again bring Japanese culture to the Old Town Tria ngle area in the form of crafts\, food\, dance\, music and martial arts de monstrations.\n\n<em><strong>Come see</strong></em>&nbsp\;the Waza\, a spe cial Saturday night performance by Yoko Noge and her band\, Taiko\, martia l arts and Japanese dance performances.\n\n<em><strong>Come taste</strong> </em>&nbsp\;delicious chicken teriyaki\, sushi\, udon\, edamame and\, of c ourse\, the very Japanese corn on the cob.\n\n<em><strong>Come experience< /strong></em>&nbsp\;the richness of Japanese culture shown through our ind oor cultural displays of Sumi-e\, Ikebana\, Bonsai &ndash\; even have your name written in Japanese calligraphy\, Dharma talks in the chapel.\n\n<em ><strong>Visit</strong></em>&nbsp\;our vendors to find just the right gift for yourself or loved one.\n\n&nbsp\;<strong>Enter the raffle for a chanc e to win $1000\, $500 or $300 cash.</strong>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>\ nCRAFTS\n\n&bull\; Waza (Crafts masters from Japan)\n\n&bull\; Calligraphy (Japanese writing)\n\n&bull\; Ikebana (Flower arrangment)\n\n&bull\; Sumi -e (Japanese brush painting)\n\nFOOD\n\n&bull\; Grilled chicken teriyaki\n \n&bull\; Sushi\n\n&bull\; Udon\n\n&bull\; Sno cones\n\nSTAGE DEMONSTRATIO NS\n\n&bull\; Na Kapuna Ukulele group\n\n&bull\; Taiko drumming\n\n&bull\; Kendo\, Judo\, Aikido\n\n&bull\; Minyo and Fujima-Ryu of Chicago\n\n</str ong><strong>Midwest Buddhist Temple\n</strong>435 West Menomonee Street\n3 12-943-7801 &bull\;&nbsp\;<a href=" "></a>\n DTSTAMP:20240602T072627Z SUMMARY:Join us for the 57th Annual Ginza Holiday!! URL:/en/events/2012/08/10/join-us-for-the-57th-annual-ginza-holiday/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR