BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120705T000000Z DTEND:20120708T000000Z DESCRIPTION:The 2012 national JACL convention has been set and this year&rs quo\;s event will take place July 5 to 8 in Bellevue\, Washington at the H yatt Regency Bellevue.\n\nWith the theme\, &ldquo\;Inform\, Transform\, Pe rform: Embracing JACL in an era of transformation\,&rdquo\; the event is b eing sponsored by the Seattle chapter with support from the Lake Washingto n and Puyallup Valley Chapters.\n\nConvention Chair Elaine Akagi and a ded icated Convention Planning Committee have been meeting for over a year to organize informative\, inspirational and fun-filled activities. As home to mega-corporations such as Microsoft\, Boeing\, Amazon\, Starbucks\, Ninte ndo\, Google\, and sports venues like the Seattle Seahawks and Mariners\, the greater Seattle area has become a major destination point for foreign and domestic visitors.\n\nThe Convention Center is across the street from beautiful Bellevue Square which is filled with shops\, restaurants and ser vices and the Lincoln Center which houses a bowling alley\, theater\, mult i-media game room\, restaurants and upscale designer shops.\n\nConventione ers will be welcomed at an Aloha Mixer featuring a Hawaiian band and danci ng. More entertainment will be provided by the Portland Swing Band at the Sayonara Banquet and a theatrical offering\, &ldquo\;Within the Silence\,& rdquo\; will be performed by &ldquo\;Living Voices.&rdquo\;\n\nWith an opp ortunity to reconnect with old friends and colleagues and attend a broad v ariety of workshops\, there should be something of interest for everyone. As noted above\, the theme of the convention recognizes the changing face of the JACL and the challenges it faces to be relevant in the 21st century . An important contributor to a dialogue about the future of the JACL will be the National Youth/Student Council which will also meet at the convent ion.\n\nA Health and Wellness Fair focusing on diabetes will provide infor mation related to education\, prevention and &ldquo\;living well.&rdquo\; Co-sponsored by Nikkei Concerns and the American Diabetes Association\, th e fair will include health screenings\, provide strategies for living well \, eating healthy and staying active. Stay tuned for more news about the h ealth and wellness fair in future posts.\n\nREGISTRATION PACKAGE DESCRIPTI ONS\nConvention Package&nbsp\;&ndash\; $250 ( $300 after June 15 )\n\nConv ention Package (Youth)&nbsp\;&ndash\; $200 ( $250 after June 15 )\n(For st udents and/or ages 25 and under)\n\n<em>Both packages&nbsp\;</em><strong>i nclude</strong><strong>&nbsp\;</strong><em>the Welcome Mixer\, Awards Lunc heon\, Youth Luncheon\, Workshops\, Continental Breakfast\, Sayonara Banqu et &amp\; Dance. These events can also be purchased individually (see belo w).&nbsp\;&nbsp\;</em>\n<strong>A LA CARTE &ndash\; Individual Events</str ong>\n<strong></strong>Welcome Mixer&nbsp\;&ndash\; $40 / $55 after June 1 5\n<em>Youth/Student</em>&nbsp\;- $35 / $50 after June 15\n\nAwards Lunche on&nbsp\;-&nbsp\;$75 / $90 after June 15\n<em>Youth/Student</em>&nbsp\;- $ 60 / $75 after June 15\n\nYouth Luncheon&nbsp\;-&nbsp\;$75 / $90 after Jun e 15\n<em>Youth/Student</em>&nbsp\;- $60 / $75 after June 15\n<em>Youth Me mber &ndash\;&nbsp\;</em>$55 / $60 after June 15\n\nSayonara Banquet / Dan ce&nbsp\;&ndash\; $150 / $175 after June 15\n<em>Youth/Student</em>&nbsp\; - $100 / $125 after June 15\n\nWorkshops&nbsp\;&ndash\; $25 / $40 after Ju ne 15\n<em>Youth/Student</em>&nbsp\;- $25 / $40 after June 15\n\nFor more information\, please visit&nbsp\;<a href="">http://ja</a>. DTSTAMP:20240604T083023Z SUMMARY:43rd Annual JACL National Convention URL:/en/events/2012/07/05/43rd-annual-jacl-national-convention/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR