BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20120818T000000Z DTEND:20120818T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>LTroots</strong> is proud to present our 2nd Annual Lit tle Tokyo Restaurant and Bar Crawl!\n\n<strong>Date:</strong> Saturday\, A ugust 18th\n<strong>Time:</strong> 3:00-10:00pm&nbsp\;\n<strong>Location:< /strong> Little Tokyo\n\n<strong>Passport pick up locations on August 18th :</strong>\n3:00-5:00 - JACCC Plaza\, 244 S. San Pedro St. at JACCC table\ n6:00-10:00pm - Oiwake\, 122 Japanese Village Plz Mall\n\nParticipating re staurants will be offering special promotions from 3:00-10:00pm on Saturda y\, August 18th. Come anytime during those hours to receive specials throu ghout Little Tokyo! Keep checking back on our Facebook page and here for u pdates as more restaurants confirm!\n\nTo receive a FREE passport that wil l include discounts to various restaurants and bars around Little Tokyo an d a map\, you can pick one up at the above locations and/or enter your inf ormation here:\n\n<a href=" omEmail=true&amp\;formkey=dDdNaDZtUzdsTk9MLVVYelRQRmIwZ3c6MQ" target="_bla nk">\;formk ey=dDdNaDZtUzdsTk9MLVVYelRQRmIwZ3c6MQ</a>\n\nWe'll email you a copy of the passport on Friday\, August 17th that you can print out and bring with yo u on the 18th!\n\n<strong>Please visit the Facebook event page at&nbsp\;<a href="">https://www.faceb</a>&nbsp\;for more information!</strong>\n \nLittle Tokyo Roots (LTroots) is a young adult group now in our third yea r of existence. Our mission is to engage&nbsp\;young adults and raise thei r awareness in issues facing the Little Tokyo community. We are a member o f the&nbsp\;Little Tokyo Community Council (LTCC) and have hosted various fundraisers to support the work of some of our&nbsp\;local non-profit orga nizations. DTSTAMP:20240605T151950Z SUMMARY:Little Tokyo Roots 2nd Annual Restaurant & Bar Crawl URL:/en/events/2012/08/18/little-tokyo-roots-2nd-annual-restaurant-bar-cra/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR