BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130205T000000Z DTEND:20130205T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>What Happened to Portland's Japantown? Place\, Communit y and Identity in the Stories of <em>Coming Home</em></strong>\n\nLecture by Jacqueline Peterson Loomis\, Ph.D. (curator of <em><a style="font-style : italic\;" href="">Coming Home</a>\, current exhibit at the Oregon Nikkei Legacy Center</em>) and p anel discussion with Nisei narrators\n\nLocal scholar and public historian Jacqueline Peterson Loomis\, the Curator of <em>Coming Home: Voices of Re turn and Resettlement\, 1945-1965&nbsp\;</em>and Nisei narrators\, will pr ovide an overview and discussion of the process by which the exhibit's con tent\, primary themes\, and design elements were identified and developed. The process involved an extended dialogue and collaboration with communit y advisors\, nine Nisei narrators\, and with a team of local artists and m edia professionals. The narrators' personal stories were ultimately groupe d into four thematic video installations\, establishing a dramatic arc for the exhibition. But the stories and accompanying photographs and objects also frame a larger historical narrative and conversation about immigratio n\, ethnic and national identities\, race and racism in America\, and loss and recovery. Peterson Loomis is Professor Emerita of History at Washingt on State University Vancouver and the founder of the Old Town History Proj ect. This lecture will be held at PSU\, Smith Memorial Student Union\, Roo m 238.\n\n<em><strong>Coming Home: Voices of Return and Resettlement\, 194 5-1965</strong></em>&nbsp\;is an exhibit that traces the reestablishment o f the Japanese American community in Oregon after World War II and examine s the injustices of war-time relocation. The&nbsp\;<em>Coming Home</em>&nb sp\;exhibition has been woven from personal stories of return and resettle ment by Nikkei &mdash\; men\, women\, and children of Japanese descent &md ash\; forced from their Oregon farms and homes and incarcerated as "enemie s" during World War II. Most were American citizens. Many had lost everyth ing. Determination and memories of place\, family and community guided the m home. Visit&nbsp\;<a href=" bit"></a> to learn more about <em>Coming Home</em>.\n\ nThis exhibition and programming are made possible in part by the Oregon H eritage Commission and Oregon Parks and Recreation Department\; Oregon Hum anities (OH)\, a statewide nonprofit organization and an independent affil iate of the National Endowment for the Humanities\, which funds OH's grant program\; Portland State University\, Center for Japanese Studies\; Unive rsity of Oregon\; Samuel Naito\; and&nbsp\;<em>Friends of Oregon Nikkei En dowment</em>.\n\nOregon Nikkei Legacy Center\n 121 NW 2nd Avenue\n Portlan d\, OR &nbsp\;97209\n 503-224-1458\n<a href=""></a> DTSTAMP:20240602T171442Z SUMMARY:Lecture on Portland's Japantown URL:/en/events/2013/02/05/lecture-on-portlands-japantown/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR