BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130309T000000Z DTEND:20130309T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>THIS PROGRAM WILL BE STREAMED LIVE at <a href="http://c" target="_blank"></a></stro ng>\n<strong></strong>\n<strong>"Tohoku Insights 2013: Live Conversations with Japan"</strong>\, is an opportunity to get a first hand view of what is going on today in the ongoing efforts to rebuild the region devastated two years ago. This program is about learning\, sharing\, and supporting those people who are making a positive difference in their communities.\n \nWe invite you to join and share your experiences and learn the many dif ferent opportunities to help in the ongoing rebuild and relief efforts.\n \nFor those who wish to participate at JAMsj\, please note that seating is limited.&nbsp\; RSVP by calling (408) 294-3138 or email to: PublicProgram to reserve your spot today.\n\nFor more information contact Ka thy at (408) 298-4303. DTSTAMP:20240612T112958Z SUMMARY:Tohoku Insights 2013: Live Conversations with Japan URL:/en/events/2013/03/09/tohoku-insights-2013-live-conversations-with-japa / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR