BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130121T000000Z DTEND:20130428T000000Z DESCRIPTION:SERIES\n Fist and Sword (2013)\n Museum of the Moving Image\n \ n <em>Fist and Sword</em> is the Museum's popular series of contemporary a nd classic martial arts and action movies\, curated by Warrington Hudlin\n \n&quot\;The martial arts film is the world's most popular cinematic genre . There were once at least half a dozen cinemas in New York City where we could regularly see these films. Alas\, the Sun Sing Theatre\, the Music Palace\, the Pagoda Theater\, the Rosemary Theatre\, the Canal Street C inema\, and the Bijou Theatre have all closed their doors. This series at Museum of the Moving Image is reconstituting this community of film enth usiasts and allows us to once again enjoy these films on the big screen.& quot\;&ndash\;Warrington Hudlin\n\nScreening and Live Event \n <strong>The Black Kungfu Experience</strong> \n Monday\, January 21\, 2:00 p.m.\n <em >With martial artists Ron Van Clief\, Tayari Casel\, and Dennis Brown in p erson\n </em> Free with museum admission on a first-come\, first-serve bas is.\n\nScreening and Live Event\n <strong>Pui Chan: Kung Fu Pioneer\n </st rong> Saturday\, Febrary 23\, 3:00 p.m.\n <em>With director Mimi Chan in p erson\n </em> $12 adults / $9 senior citizens and students with ID / $6 ch ildren 3&ndash\;12 / free for Museum members.\n\nScreening\n <strong>Equil ibrium\n </strong> Saturday\, March 23\, 5:00 p.m.\n Free with museum admi ssion on a first-come\, first-serve basis.\n\nScreening\n <strong>Tai Chi Zero</strong> \n Sunday\, April 28\, 4:00 p.m.\n Free with museum admissio n on a first-come\, first-serve basis.\n\n-from the <a href="" target="_blank" >museum website</a> . DTSTAMP:20240611T040820Z SUMMARY:Fist and Sword film screening series URL:/en/events/2013/01/21/fist-and-sword-film-screening-series/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR