BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130426T000000Z DTEND:20130426T000000Z DESCRIPTION:From the <a href=" t-forward-japanese-art-goes-pop">Japan Society website</a> :\n\nIn conjunc tion with Japan Society&rsquo\;s current<em> Edo Pop</em> exhibition\, &qu ot\;Fashion Fast Forward: Japanese Art Goes POP&quot\; gives an insider's look into contemporary fashion\, design and street culture inspired by J apanese art through the millennia. Host <strong>Tiffany Godoy</strong> (wi dely recognized as a global expert on Japanese street fashion\; author of <em>Style Deficit Disorder: Harajuku Street Fashion&mdash\;Tokyo</em> \; a nd an editor and columnist for such publications as <em>The New York Times </em> \, <em>V</em> \,\, and <em>Vogue Japan</em> ) talks to Tok yo-based unisex label DRESSED/UNDRESSED founders <strong>Takeshi Kitazawa< /strong> and <strong>Emiko Sato </strong> about their designs\, inspiratio n and process. 

 Post-talk\, the party moves to the one-night-only Ed o Pop Lounge\, which features specials on Japanese beer and Tokyo-born\, NYC-based<strong> DJ Ansoni </strong> spinning in the midst of a live fas hion presentation. No stranger to the interwoven worlds of music and acco uterment\, Ansoni has performed at numerous shows and parties for big nam es like Vivienne Tam\, Comme Des Garcons\, Maison Kitsune\, and Uniqlo. 

\n \n Admission includes:\n &nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&bull\;&nbsp\;&nbs p\; &nbsp\;Free entrance to <a href=" rams/gallery"><em>Edo Pop: The Graphic Impact of Japanese Prints</em> </a> \n &nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&bull\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;A live DJ set by An soni\n &nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;&bull\;&nbsp\;&nbsp\; &nbsp\;Cash bar with $5 Japanese beer specials\n \n <strong>TICKETS</strong> \n $20/$15\, Japan S ociety members\, students &amp\; seniors (includes exhibition admission) DTSTAMP:20240611T082808Z SUMMARY:Fashion Fast Forward: Japanese Art Goes POP URL:/en/events/2013/04/26/fashion-fast-forward-japanese-art-goes-pop/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR