BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130512T000000Z DTEND:20130512T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Vancouver Inter-Cultural Orchestra and Nikkei National Museum & amp\; Cultural Centrepresent\n\nTsunao Yamai &amp\; Naomi Sato in Concert\ n\nSunday May 12\, 2013 at 7:00 pm\n\nNikkei National Museum &amp\; Cultur al Centre &ndash\; Main Hall\n\n6688 Southoaks Crescent\, Burnaby\n\nTicke ts $15 ($10 for students &amp\; seniors)\n\nAvailable via <a href="http://"></a> or in person at Nikkei Centre\n\nA quarte t comprised of Naomi Sato (sho) and local Japanese musiciansYuriko Nariya (koto)\, Kozue Matsumoto (koto) and Minoru Yamamoto(shakuhachi) will prese nt a concert of traditional Japanese music and contemporary Japanese/Canad ian compositions. At this event the VICO is honoured to host world-renowne d Noh performer Tsunao Yamai\, who will be appearing in Vancouver as part of his &ldquo\;Noh Meets Canada&rdquo\; tour (produced by the Consulate-Ge neral of Japan in Vancouver with support from the Agency of Cultural Affai rs\, Government of Japan). This is a rare opportunity to see an intimate p erformance by one of Japan&rsquo\;s most respected players and leaders of this ancient and profound form of theatrical expression.&nbsp\; In additio n to a performance by Mr. Yamai and his ensemble\, the programme will incl ude traditional music for solo sho\, koto &amp\; shakuhachi\; a duet for t wo koto byTadao Sayai titled Tsuchi Ningyo\; Chidori No Kyoku by 19th-cent ury Japanese composer Kengyo Yoshizawa (in a new arrangement by Mark Arman ini for two koto\, sho and shakuhachi)\; and\, by special arrangement\, a collaboration between all the participating artists (including Ms. Sato\, Mr. Yamai and an 8-piece traditional ensemble). DTSTAMP:20240601T015912Z SUMMARY:Noh / Sho Meets Canada URL:/en/events/2013/05/12/noh-sho-meets-canada/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR