BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130724T000000Z DTEND:20130727T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Tule Lake Public Meetings</strong>\n\nThe National Park Service invites you to be a part of a national dialogue about the future of Tule Lake.\n\nThe Tule Lake Unit is one of the newest units of the Nati onal Park System\, designated in 2008. The purpose of the Tule Lake Unit i s to preserve\, study\, and interpret the history and setting of the incar ceration and segregation of Japanese Americans at Tule Lake during World W ar II. Your ideas will contribute to a long-term plan for development and management of Tule Lake.\n\nMeetings will be held June-September in Calif ornia\, Oregon\, and Washington. <strong> Southern California meeting sc hedule:</strong>\n\n<blockquote>Wednesday\, July 24\, 6-8pm\, <strong>Los Angeles\, CA\, </strong>Japanese American Cultural &amp\; Community Cent er\, 244 South San Pedro Street\, Suite 505\n\nThursday\, July 25\, 10am -12pm\, <strong>Carson\, CA\, </strong>California State University\, Dom inguez Hills\, University Library\, South Wing\, 1000 East Victoria Stre et\n\nFriday\, July 26\, 10am-12pm\, <strong>San Diego\, CA\, </strong>T hornton Theatre San Diego History Center\, 1649 El Prado\nSaturday\, July 27\, 10am-12pm\, <strong>Los Angeles\, CA\, </strong>Japanese American Cultural &amp\; Community Center\, 244 South San Pedro Street\, Suite 505 \n\n</blockquote>\n\nTo request a newsletter\, be added to the mailing lis t\, access dates and locations for meetings\, and provide comments online \, please visit:  <a href="" target="_bl ank"></a> or send an email to: <a href="mailto:" target="_blank"></ a>.\n\n Deadline for comments is October 11\, 2013  DTSTAMP:20240601T013126Z SUMMARY:Tule Lake Planning Meetings URL:/en/events/2013/07/24/tule-lake-planning-meetings/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR