BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150208T000000Z DTEND:20150208T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Chosen this year as a "Japan Cultural Envoy" by the Agency for Cultural Affairs of the Japanese government\, noh actor&nbsp\;<strong>Yama i Tsunao</strong>&nbsp\;returns to Japan Society for a full-day workshop o n noh theater's stylized movement and vocalization. A member of the Kompar u school of noh\, Yamai is active in bringing the noh tradition to audienc es in Japan and abroad. Workshop participants will have the opportunity to chant an excerpt from the noh play&nbsp\;<em>Takasago</em>\, learn basic moves from Hagoromo and try on costumes and masks. The workshop concludes with a special collaborative presentation with Yamai and pianist Kentaro K ihara from Japan.&nbsp\;<em>Max 25 participants. Some dance experience pre ferred. Participants must wear socks and activewear (no jeans).&nbsp\;</em >\n<strong>\nTickets</strong>: $120/$100 Japan Society members (includes a bento box lunch with the artists)\n<strong>Participant tickets are sold o ut. Observer tickets are available for $15/$13 Japan Society Members.&nbsp \;</strong>Please note: Observer tickets do not include a bento box lunch. DTSTAMP:20240611T004321Z SUMMARY:Noh Workshop and Demonstration with Yamai Tsunao URL:/en/events/2015/02/08/noh-workshop-and-demonstration-with-yamai-tsunao/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR