BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20150509T000000Z DTEND:20150509T000000Z DESCRIPTION:No matter where you live in Southern California\, it&rsquo\;s i mportant to be frugal and to be &ldquo\;green.&rdquo\;&nbsp\; The Gardena Valley Japanese Cultural Institute (GVJCI) will host <em>Little Tokyo Serv ice Center (LTSC)</em> and <em>Sustainable Little Tokyo&mdash\;</em> in co njunction with &ldquo\;Energy Upgrade CA&rdquo\;&mdash\;to present various energy saving tips and culturally&nbsp\; sensitive ways to waste less an d make your life and your surroundings more &ldquo\;green.&rdquo\;\n\nBonu s: Learn how to wrap various items with a reusable <em>furoshiki </em> in a fun do-it-yourself workshop.\n\nThis presentation will take place at the GVJCI in the GVJCI Nisei Veterans Hall on Saturday\, May 9th at 2:00 PM. The address is 1964 W 162<sup>nd</sup> St\, Gardena\, CA 90247. This is fr ee workshop\, but pre-registration is requested. Please call the LTSC for pre-registering at (213) 473-3035. For more information\, please call the GVJCI office at (310) 324-6611 or email DTSTAMP:20240602T103035Z SUMMARY:Mottainai: Think Green! URL:/en/events/2015/05/09/mottainai-think-green/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR