BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170909T000000Z DTEND:20170909T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for an interactive program that will look at the long h istory of Japanese American activism in Little Tokyo through the lens of a n innovative project:&nbsp\; Japanese American Community Services-Asian In volvement&nbsp\;(JACS-AI).\n\nJACS-AI was a pivotal social service agency established in 1963 with the funds from the shuttered Shonien children's h ome\, founded in 1914 by Rokuichi Kusumoto to meet the&nbsp\;child care ne eds of the Japanese immigrant families.&nbsp\; The JACS-AI office became&n bsp\;a center for the Asian American Movement of the 1960s abd '70s\, focu sing on "serve the people" programs&nbsp\;carried out by hundreds of volun teers.&nbsp\; Issues addressed included Issei and immigrant&nbsp\;rights\, women's rights\, drug abuse\, healthcare\, and war.&nbsp\; Although the v ery idea of social protest was new to the Nikkei community at that time\, the legacy of JACS-AI remains relevant today.\n\nThe program is FREE\, but <strong>RSVPs are required at</strong>.&nbsp\; Check website for complete schedule.\n\nCo-sponsored by Little Tokyo Historical Society (LT HS) and Japanese American Community Services (JACS).&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240601T204153Z SUMMARY:The Asian American Movement of the 1960s-70s: JACS-AI and Activism Today URL:/en/events/2017/09/09/the-asian-american-movement-of-the-1960s-70s-jac/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR