BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20170906T000000Z DTEND:20171231T000000Z DESCRIPTION:"incrEDIBLE Little Tokyo"-the Little Tokyo Historical Society's (LTHS) 2018 calendar is now available throughout Little Tokyo. Luscious photographs and mouth-watering narratives of unique foods and eateries of Little Tokyo are featured each month. To name just a few: Miso Glazed Bl ack Cod (Tamon)\, vegan sushi rolls (Shojin)\, High Tea sets and 300 teas (Chado Tea Room)\, and Wagyū steak\, yuzu\, shiitake\, shishito and mizun a pizza (Baldoria). Foodies will love everything about the design includi ng a food and eating related Japanese word of the month. The 2018 edition is dedicated in memory of Mae Matsumoto and Archie Miyatake who were two unique cultural pioneers of Little Tokyo. IncrEDIBLE Little Tokyo calenda rs are available at Bunkado\, Japanese American National Museum store\, Ki nokuniya bookstore\, and Rafu Bussan\; as well as Vroman's Bookstore in Pa sadena. The calendar is an annual fundraiser for LTHS. Online orders can be made at It's not too early to think about this unique and fun date planner as part of your holiday gift list.\n\nLTHS is an all-volunteer\, nonprofit community-based organization that focuses on researching and discovering the historical resources\, stories and connec tions of sites\, buildings\, and events related to Little Tokyo as an ethn ic heritage neighborhood of Los Angeles.\n\nFor information about LTHS\, p lease contact Michael Okamura\, president\, at DTSTAMP:20240603T000551Z SUMMARY:"incrEDIBLE Little Tokyo" - LTHS 2018 calendar now available! URL:/en/events/2017/09/06/incredible-little-tokyo-lths-2018-calendar-now/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR