BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20180422T000000Z DTEND:20180422T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Okinawa Soul: Traditional Concert in Gardena</strong>\n \nOn Sunday\, April 22\, experience the sights\, sounds\, and spirit of th e Ryūkyū Islands at the Gardena Buddhist Church in Gardena. Titled&nbsp\ ;&ldquo\;<em>Minyō no Yūbe</em> (An Evening of Folk Music)\,&rdquo\; thi s biennial concert showcases local instructors and students who play the s anshin\, a traditional 3-stringed lute that is synonymous with Okinawan mu sic.\n\nTraditional songs from the Ryūkyū Islands range from festive to melancholy\, and are mostly sung in the endangered Ryūkyūan languages (a nd occasionally in Japanese). The event will also feature special performa nces by traditional dance group\, Miyagi Ryū Nosho Kai Miyagi Nosho Ryūb u Dōjō.\n\nMinyō no Yūbe&nbsp\;is organized by the North America Branc h of the Ryūkyū Minyō Kyōkai with support from the Okinawa Association of America (OAA)&rsquo\;s&nbsp\;Geinō-bu&nbsp\;Performing Arts Committee . While the earliest Okinawan performances in Los Angeles date back to the 1900s\, the OAA Geinō-bu was formed in 1987 by shin-issei (post-war Okin awan immigrants) who wished to actively preserve and perpetuate the tradit ional performing arts for future generations. The committee is currently c omprised of traditional music and dance groups who perform at various even ts throughout the greater L.A. area.\n\nThe Gardena Buddhist Church is loc ated at 1517 166th Street\, Gardena 90247. Doors open at&nbsp\;12:30 p.m. and the show begins at 1 p.m. Tickets are $25 general admission (includes bento lunch and bottled water) and can be purchased through the OAA office (weekdays\, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.\; or 310-532-1929) or d irectly from performers.\n\nParticipating groups: Uezu Yoko Ryukyu Minyo K enkyusho\, Ishihara Haruo Ryukyu Minyo Kenkyusho\, Kochi Yuki Ryukyu Minyo Kenkyusho (San Diego)\, Ryukyu Minyo Aikoh-kai\, Nishikawa Atsuko Ryukyu Minyo Kenkyusho (San Diego)\, Kinjo Masanobu Ryukyu Minyo Kenkyusho (San D iego)\, Hanashiro Emiko Ryukyu Minyo Kenkyusho\, Maekawa-ryu Kaneshiro Aki ko Ryukyu Minyo Kenkyusho (Utah)\, Maekawa-ryu Scofield Hatsuko Ryukyu Min yo Kenkyusho (Utah)\n DTSTAMP:20240608T173859Z SUMMARY:Okinawan Folk Music Recital: "Minyō no Yūbe" URL:/en/events/2018/04/22/okinawan-folk-music-recital-minyo-no-yube/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR