BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20181024T000000Z DTEND:20181024T000000Z DESCRIPTION:During World War II\, over 110\,000 Japanese Americans were for ced to leave their homes\, taking only what they could carry. They were im prisoned in "internment" camps\, with no charges against them\, and no ide a how long it would last. The dominant narrative of this incarceration of Japanese Americans has been that they behaved as a &ldquo\;model minority\ ,&rdquo\; cooperating without protest and proving their patriotism by enli sting in the Army. *Resistance at Tule Lake*\, a new feature-length docume ntary directed by Japanese American filmmaker Konrad Aderer\, overturns th at myth by telling the long-suppressed story of Tule Lake Segregation Cent er. Aderer will be present for discussion after the screening.&nbsp\;\n\nT his event is sponsored by Third World Newsreel and the Documentary Forum a t CCNY and cosponsored by the CCNY MFA Film Alliance.\n\nRefreshments serv ed.\nDirections:\n#1 to 137th Street\nABCD to 145th Street\n\nStreet parki ng available after 6 PM.\n\nFor more information or updates on this event\ , visit:\n\n ening-with-director-konrad-aderer-tickets-49718102182?aff=ebdssbdestsearch DTSTAMP:20240611T152658Z SUMMARY:Resistance at Tule Lake Film Screening with Director Konrad Aderer URL:/en/events/2018/10/24/resistance-at-tule-lake-film-screening-with-direc t/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR