BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20191113T000000Z DTEND:20191119T000000Z DESCRIPTION:\nThe 18th Annual Tokyo-New York Friendship Ceramic Competition \n\nThe Nippon Gallery (located at The Nippon Club) will host an exhibitio n of The 18<sup>th</sup>&nbsp\;Annual Tokyo-New York Friendship Ceramic Co mpetition\, presented by The Ceramic Artist Friendship Association\, Inc. (&ldquo\;CaFa&rdquo\;) CaFa was organized in 1996 to further the cultural ties between the sister cities of New York and Tokyo by encouraging and ho noring the creativity of their clay artists. All ceramists from New York a nd Tokyo are invited to enter the competition.\n\nEminent judges including Toshio Ohi\, the 10th Generation Ohi Potter\; Shinichi Doi\, former conse rvator\, The Metropolitan Museum\; Cora Rosevear\, former Associate Curato r\, Museum of Modern Art\; Professor Miyeko Murase\, Takeo and Itsuko Atsu mi Professor Emerita\, Columbia University and former Special Consultant f or Japanese Art at The Metropolitan Museum will select winning pieces from 100 of the finest works\, 50 from New York and 50 from Tokyo. An exhibiti on of the selected pieces will be presented at The Nippon Gallery at The N ippon Club from November 13<sup>th</sup>&nbsp\;to November 19<sup>th</sup> \, 2019. The reception and award presentation ceremony will be on Friday\, November 15<sup>th</sup>&nbsp\;from 6pm to 8pm at the Nippon Gallery. Pri zes will be awarded for outstanding works. Each entry will be judged for i ts aesthetics\, creativity\, originality\, and technical skill. First Plac e Grand Prize winner will receive a round trip ticket from New York to Tok yo contributed by All Nippon Airways and cash award from Gallery Saika.\n\ nPeriod\nNovember 13 &ndash\; November 19\, 2019\n\nHours\n10:00 am &ndash \; 6:00 pm (Monday - Friday)\n10:00 am &ndash\; 5:00 pm (Saturday)\n(Clo sed on Sundays)\n\nLocation\nThe Nippon Gallery 7th Fl at The Nippon Clu b\n145 West 57th street\, New York\, NY 10019\n\nAdmission\nFree\n\nDetail \nPresented by: Ceramic Artist Friendship Association\, Inc.\nSponsored by : Tokyo Metropolitan Government\, All Nippon Airways\, Consulate General o f Japan in New York\, J.C.C. Fund of the Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New York\, Japanese American Association of New York\, The Jap an Foundation\, New York\, CLAIR NY\, Gallery Saika and NY Togei Kyoshitsu \n\n DTSTAMP:20240602T130005Z SUMMARY:The 18th Annual Tokyo-New York Friendship Ceramic Competition URL:/en/events/2019/11/13/the-18th-annual-tokyo-new-york-friendship-ceramic / END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR