BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20200221T000000Z DTEND:20200308T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Tickets are $14.50 unless stated otherwise\n<a href="https://ny" target="_blank"></a>&nbsp\;& nbsp\;\n<strong>\n</strong>\n<em>Children Of The Sea (dir. Ayumu Watanabe\ , 2019)</em>\nFriday February 21\, 6:30 PM\, SVA Theatre. Tickets: $17.50\ nSunday March 8\, 2 PM\, SVA Theatre.&nbsp\;\n\n<em>Bento Harassment (dir. Renpei Tsukamoto\, 2019)</em>\nSunday February 23\, 12:30 PM\, SVA Theatr e.&nbsp\;\nSunday March 1\, 11 AM\, Cinepolis&nbsp\;Chelsea.&nbsp\;\nSunda y March 8\, 5 PM\, SVA Theatre.\n\n<em>Magic Boy (dir. Akira Daikuhara &am p\; Taiji Yabushita\, 1961)</em>\nSaturday February 29\, 5 PM\, Scandinavi a&nbsp\;House.&nbsp\;\nSunday March 8\, 10:45 AM\, IFC Center.&nbsp\;\n\n< em>On-Gaku: Our Sound (dir. Kenji Iwaisawa\, 2019)</em>\nSaturday February 22\, 5 PM\, Scandinavia House.\nSaturday February 29\, 2 PM\, Cinepolis C helsea.&nbsp\;\nSaturday March 7\, 11 AM\, IFC Center. Tickets:&nbsp\;\n\n Friends &amp\; Neighbors: Japan (two short films)\n<em>Dreams Into Drawing s (dir. Koji Yamamura\, 2019)</em>\n<em>Gon\, the Little Fox (dir. Takeshi Yashiro\, 2019)</em>\nSaturday February 29\, 12:30 PM\, SVA Theatre.&nbsp \;\nSunday March 1\, 11:45 AM\, Cinepolis Chelsea.\nSunday March 7\, 3 PM\ , Cinepolis Chelsea&nbsp\;\n\nAddresses for the three theatres:\n<strong>C inepolis Chelsea</strong>\n260 W 23rd St\, New York\, NY 10011\n\n<strong> IFC Center</strong>\n323 6th Ave\, New York\, NY 10014\n\n<strong>SVA Thea tre</strong>\n333 W 23rd St\, New York\, NY 10011\n\n<em>All theatres are wheelchair accessible\, with designated and companion seating</em> DTSTAMP:20240601T124611Z SUMMARY:New York International Children's Film Festival URL:/en/events/2020/02/21/new-york-international-childrens-film-festival/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR