BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20210619T000000Z DTEND:20210619T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Join us for this fun and interactive online book event for youn g people and figure skating fans\, featuring two-time Olympic bronze medal ists&nbsp\;<strong>Maia and Alex Shibutani</strong>&nbsp\;(aka the ShibSib s). At the 2018 Winter Games in PyeongChang\, they became the first ice da ncers of Asian descent to medal at the Olympics and are only the second si bling duo in the history of the sport to share an ice dancing medal. The S hibutanis are also the authors of the&nbsp\;<em>Kudo Kids</em>&nbsp\;book series\, geared for ages 8-12&mdash\;including&nbsp\;<em>The Mystery of th e Masked Medalist</em>&nbsp\;and their latest release\,&nbsp\;<em>The Myst ery in Manhattan</em>. Along with a chat about their Olympic experiences\, they will discuss how their travels to Tokyo inspired their first book ab out the Tokyo 2020 Olympics\, and how their time in NYC helped to craft th eir new book.&nbsp\;<em>Viewers can submit questions in advance as well as purchase autographed copies of their books during the registration proces s</em>.\n\nThis program is part of our&nbsp\;<a href="https://japansociety .org/series/passing-the-torch/"><em>Passing the Torch</em></a>&nbsp\;serie s\, a celebration of the upcoming Tokyo Summer Games.\n\nThis is a free ev ent\, with advance registration required. Suggested donations are welcome to support our innovative programs. This program will be conducted online via&nbsp\;<a href="" target="_blank">Zoom</a>. Reg istrants will receive the viewing link by email in advance of the event.\n \nFor more information visit our website: <a href="https://japansociety.or g/series/passing-the-torch/kudo-kids-olympic-medalists-maia-alex-shibutani "> lists-maia-alex-shibutani</a>\n<strong>Saturday\, June 19\, 12 PM EDT</str ong>&nbsp\; DTSTAMP:20240607T110830Z SUMMARY:Kudo Kids Virtual Book Event With Olympic Medalists Maia &amp\; Ale x Shibutani URL:/en/events/2021/06/19/kudo-kids-virtual-book-event-with-olympic-medalis t/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR