BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20220318T000000Z DTEND:20220430T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Studio Sixty Six is proud to present esteemed Japanese Canadian artist Norman Takeuchi’s new series of paintings for his solo exhibitio n Scrolling.\n\n<strong>"Occasionally it becomes necessary to take a brea k from the demands of painting. A detour from the usual routine provides r elief and can simultaneously be rewarding. Scrolling was a welcome detour for me\; a decision to simply paint for the joy of making images\, to indu lge in inventions and improvisations while employing previously learned le ssons.</strong>\n\n<strong>"This body of work was an opportunity to delve further into a key component of my practice\, abstraction. The abstract mo tifs of my previous works are kept active within the rectangular format of Japanese scrolls. In turn\, these organic and geometric forms are surroun ded by decorative Japanese patterns. The Scrolling paintings attest to the delight in the exploration of colour combinations and they show that maki ng paintings can be playful." </strong>Norman Takeuchi\, Ottawa\, ON\n\nBo rn in Vancouver\, some of his earliest memories are of the interior of BC where his parents were forced to relocate during World War II. Ultimately graduating from the Vancouver School of Art in 1962\, he went to London\, England\, to concentrate on painting\, and again in 1967 with a Canada Cou ncil grant. In 1996\, he left a design career to focus on art. He has sinc e participated in many solo and group exhibitions. His work is represented in permanent collections of the Royal Ontario Museum\, Canadian War Museu m\, Ottawa Art Gallery\, Canada Council Art Bank\, City of Ottawa\, Carlet on University Art Gallery\, and in private collections in Canada and abroa d.\n\n<a href="" target="_blank"><strong>info</strong></a>\n\nGallery Hours: Wednesday to Saturday\, 11am — 6pm DTSTAMP:20240602T210228Z SUMMARY:Ottawa Artist Norman Takeuchi Scrolling exhibition URL:/en/events/2022/03/18/ottawa-artist-norman-takeuchi-scrolling-exhibitio n/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR