BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20240223T000000Z DTEND:20240701T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<a href=" =d5fd43d3c584a4e5ce95cbadb&amp\;id=fa5aa693c0&amp\;e=acd460e1d4" target="_ blank"></a>\n<strong>Official Opening Friday\, February 23 from 6 - 8 PM  </strong>(registration not required)\n\n<strong><a href="https://torontona\;id=be d63fadbf&amp\;e=acd460e1d4" target="_blank">Lincoln County Museum and Cult ural Centre</a> </strong>\n\nThis exhibit is part two of a project inspir ed by <em>Exiles in Our Own Country\, Japanese Canadians in Niagara </em >by Addie Kobayashi\, a nisei\, community historian. Part one\, a Museums Canada digital website launched two years ago: \n\n<a href="https://toron\;i d=8d0f4e14e4&amp\;e=acd460e1d4" target="_blank">https://www.communitystori</a>\n\nAddie was d edicated to ensuring the story of Japanese Canadians arriving in Niagara w as not misunderstood as a story of new immigrants\, she mobilized the comm unity with the help of Tom Matsushita to author this book of insightful or al history interviews published in 1999. What distinguishes these oral his tories\, is the intentional structure which brings to light\, the essence of what it meant to be dispossessed and uprooted into a hostile environmen t. \n\nThe Toronto NAJC has been closely involved with the <em>Exiles < /em>project. Last spring the Toronto NAJC hosted a reception and artist ta lk for artist <a href=" ck?u=d5fd43d3c584a4e5ce95cbadb&amp\;id=e3a6dc808b&amp\;e=acd460e1d4" targe t="_blank">Emma Nishimura</a>. We were struck by how she incorporated her family history of internment into her art and suggested her work would mak e a compelling companion piece to the <em>Exiles</em> exhibit. We think you will appreciate the artistry\, sensibility\, and care of Emma's solo e xhibit G<em>enerations of an Archive </em>which runs concurrently. \n\ n \nPlease share this information with those you know who spent time in t he Niagara region. Many JC families passed through the Niagara region in t he 1940s and were farm\, factory\, and domestic workers. \n\nNote that a JC Wellness Outreach worker will be available to assist Survivors with ap plying for Survivor Grants.\n\nFull details are at <a href="https://toron\;i d=10accfdefb&amp\;e=acd460e1d4" target="_blank"></a>\n<a href=" a4e5ce95cbadb&amp\;id=d41f5bd40b&amp\;e=acd460e1d4" target="_blank">The To ronto NAJC Board</a>\nElders Council\nNext Generation- Youth Council\n\n<a href=" a4e5ce95cbadb&amp\;id=ce52dfd8e8&amp\;e=acd460e1d4" target="_blank" title= "Exiles in Our Own Country - Interview with Addie Kobayashi and Lynn Deuts cher Kobayashi"></a>\n\nLearn more about how the book was realized and its author\, Addie Kobayashi.\n\nThe Toronto NAJC operates on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit\, the Anishnabeg\,the Chippewa\, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations\,Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledges that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 signed with the Mississ augas of the Credit\, and the Williams Treaties signed with multiple Missi ssaugas and Chippewa bands.\n\n<a href="https://torontonajc.us18.list-mana\;id=98a4cfa613&amp\;e=a cd460e1d4" target="_blank"></a>\n<a href="https://torontonajc.us18.list-ma\;id=e21882c6b3&amp\;e =acd460e1d4" target="_blank">FRIEND ON FACEBOOK</a>\n<a href="https://toro\; id=47ec8d9e53&amp\;e=acd460e1d4" target="_blank"></a>\n<a href="https://to \;id=7957fc7400&amp\;e=acd460e1d4" target="_blank">FOLLOW ON TWITTER</a>\n <a href="" target="_blank"></a>\n<a href="http:/ /" target="_blank">VISIT OUR PAGE</a> DTSTAMP:20240603T061143Z SUMMARY:Exiles in Our Own Country - Niagara\, Canada URL:/en/events/2024/02/23/exiles-in-our-own-country-niagara-canada/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR