


Discover Nikkei Job & Volunteer Opportunities

Discover Nikkei is an international network that celebrates cultural diversity and explores both global and local identities. The project connects generations and communities by sharing stories and perspectives of the Nikkei, people of Japanese descent who have migrated and settled throughout the world. The project team is led by a small group of staff working with volunteers, partners, consultants, and others around the world. Help us continue to grow the website and project by joining our team!

Volunteering  |  Job Openings



Thank you for your interest in helping us grow Discover Nikkei! We have a very limited budget to run this project and so we depend on volunteers to help us with all aspects of the site as well as related virtual programs and promotion. Language support is needed in English, Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Volunteer opportunities include:

  • Writing
  • Translations
  • Editing / Proofreading
  • Transcriptions
  • Web Development
  • Graphic Design / Illustrations
  • Video Editing

Most Discover Nikkei volunteers work remotely and communication and coordination is primarily done through e-mail or through Slack. All volunteers must be able to communicate in writing and verbally in basic English, although Japanese and Spanish can be accommodated as secondary languages.

You do not need to be a professional in the area that you are volunteering. Many of our volunteers are students or others wanting to gain experience, while others just want the opportunity to learn about new topics, contribute to the documentation and exploration of global Nikkei history and culture, and connect with Nikkei around the world. However, volunteers must demonstrate proficiency in the area of work. Writers/editors/translators must submit samples that demonstrate fluency and skill in the language they will be writing/translating into.

View a summary of volunteer requirements.


Current Volunteer Needs

We are near capacity in some areas. Please see below for the types of volunteers in most need:

  • Japanese, Spanish, and Portuguese writers and/or editors
  • Experienced translators for various language combinations, except from English to Japanese
  • Experienced English language editors
  • Assistance with setting up articles (text, images, etc.) online using a custom CMS
  • Data/metrics analysis and charts
  • Illustrations for website, series logos, social media, programs, etc.

We are not currently accepting volunteers under 18 years old, and prefer those who can make a commitment of at least one year. We are also currently not in need of transcribers in English, marketing, or graphic design (although that may change in the future).


If you are interested in joining our team, please fill out our online volunteer application form. If you have questions, contact us at editor@DiscoverNikkei.org.


Note: We will be adding more details about volunteer opportunities soon. 



No staff positions are open at this time.


Illustration by Roxsy Lin

Discover Nikkei brandmark


ディスカバー・ニッケイウェブサイトがリニューアルされます。近日公開予定の新しい機能などリニューアルに関する最新情報をご覧ください。 詳細はこちら
あなたはニマですか? ニマとは、ディスカバー・ニッケイのグローバルコミュニティ「ニマ会」のメンバーのことです。アカウントを作成し、ニッケイに関する体験談や個人やコミュニティのストーリー、イベントなどを共有して下さい。世界中のニマとつながりましょう! *「ニマ」は、「ニッケイ」と「仲間」を組み合わせた造語です。 アカウントの作成


シリーズ「ニッケイ人の名前2」のお気に入り作品が発表されました。選ばれたストーリーを、皆さんもぜひお読みください 🏆