BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20070512T000000Z DTEND:20070512T000000Z DESCRIPTION:<strong>Asian Pacific American Book Festival</strong>\n\nJapane se American National Museum\n369 East First Street (corner of 1st and Cent ral in Downtown LA/Little Tokyo)\n\nSaturday\, May 12\n11 am - 4 pm\n\nThe Japanese American National Museum will be the host venue for the inaugura l Asian Pacific American Book Festival. The day celebrates the importance of sharing the vitality\, challenges\, and success of Asian Americans thro ugh the written word. Organized and presented by the Asian Pacific America n Legal Center\, this premiere event will feature literary luminaries and authors such as Newbery Award winner Cynthia Kadohata\, David Mas Masumoto \, Naomi Hirahara\, John Hamamura\, Rick Noguchi\, Giant Robot co-editors <strong>Eric Nakamura</strong> and <strong>Martin Wong\, Nina Revoyr\, Dan Kwong\, Linda Furiya</strong>\, and <strong>Lela Lee</strong> author of A ngry Little Girls. Special children's programming will be held from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Other activities include writing performances\, workshops a nd publishing seminars. \n\nFor more information:\nvisit <a href="http://w"></a> \ nor \ncontact <a></a>.\n\nTo know more about APA writ ers: \nread <a href="">Celebrating Contemporary Writers: Asian Pacific American Book Festival</a>.\n DTSTAMP:20240609T002340Z SUMMARY:Asian Pacific American Book Festival -- Los Angeles URL:/en/events/2007/05/12/asian-pacific-american-book-festival-los-angeles/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR