BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20070628T000000Z DTEND:20070628T000000Z DESCRIPTION:Thursday\, June 28\, 2007\n7pm\n\nPresented in collaboration wi th the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center\nPlaza\, Japanese A merican Cultural and Community Center*\n244 South San Pedro Street (betwee n 2nd &amp\; 3rd Streets)\nLos Angeles (Little Tokyo)\, CA 90012\nInformat ion: 213.680.3700\n\n<strong>Enzo Avitabile</strong> is the spirit of Ital ian soul. For more than twenty years\, the Naples-born saxophonist and flu tist has been a star on the Italian jazz scene\, performing with everyone from James Brown to Hugh Masekela. A master musician and keen observer\, i n 2001\, he heard the music of <strong>Bottari</strong> from southern Ital y's Campania Region. To call Bottari unique is an understatement in the ex treme. Playing the centuries old traditional rhythms of pastellesas and ta rantellas\, their infectious sound is produced from striking barrels and v ats and hitting scythes with steel sticks. Led by Pasquale Romano\, Bottar i found a kindred spirit in Avitabile and soon they were exploring the pos sibilities of a partnership that would respect traditional Italian music e ven as they sought to innovate it. The result is a body of original songs written in a Neapolitan dialect that connects past to present\, giving new life to music from the region. Their music is mesmerizing\, fresh\, and u nmistakable. For their debut West Coast performance\, Avitabile will be jo ined by 17 members of Bottari. DTSTAMP:20240601T094501Z SUMMARY:1st & Central Summer Concerts 2007 Series Prelude: Enzo Avitabile & Bottari URL:/en/events/2007/06/28/1st-central-summer-concerts-2007-series-prelude/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR