BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//PYVOBJECT//NONSGML Version 1//EN BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20070817T000000Z DTEND:20080818T000000Z DESCRIPTION:I was at Wakatay Restaurant in Gardena Friday night. While I wa s there\, Mayumi Vargas of Team J Station happened to drop off flyers to t he restaurant for an upcoming Okinawan event that will be hosted there. Ma yumi hosts her own show on TJS radio called Green Brain's World. It sounds like it'll be a really fun and entertaining night\, so I thought I'd post here in case others want to check it out. It sounds like a very multi-cul ti Okinawan night held at a Peruvian Nikkei restaurant in the U .S. Anyway\, here's the info from the flyer:\n\n\nTJS 24hrs Japanese Radio Station presents...\n\n<strong>OKINAWAN NIGHT FEVER</strong>\ndate: Fri\, August 17\ntime: 8:30pm - 1:30am\n\nplace: \nWakatay Restaurant\n1630 W R edondo Beach Blvd #9\nGardena\, CA 90247\n(in Pacific Square)\nphone: 310. 329.6033\n\nEvent enter fee: $10 - includes one drink and snack\n\nFor a g reat time and a night to remember\, come experience Okinawan sounds\, arts \, culture\, food and drinks...\n\nFEEL the Uchina-n-chu Spirit!!\n\nConta ct: Mayumi Vargas or Miki Seely\n(TJS PR & Sales Promotion)\n1.866.614.101 1\n<a></a>\n DTSTAMP:20240608T145844Z SUMMARY:Okinawan Night Fever at Wakatay URL:/en/events/2007/08/17/okinawan-night-fever-at-wakatay/ END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR